Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki
Polskiej Akademii Nauk


Behnam Pourdeyhimi

Ostatnie publikacje
1.  Dias Y.J., Robles J.R., Sinha-Ray S., Abiade J., Pourdeyhimi B., Niemczyk-Soczyńska B., Kołbuk D., Sajkiewicz P., Yarin A.L., Solution-blown poly(hydroxybutyrate) and ε-poly-l-lysine submicro- and microfiber-based sustainable nonwovens with antimicrobial activity for single-use applications, ACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, ISSN: 2373-9878, DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c00594, Vol.7, No.8, pp.3980-3992, 2021

Antimicrobial nonwovens for single use applications (e.g., diapers, sanitary napkins, medical gauze, etc.) are of utmost importance as the first line of defense against bacterial infections. However, the utilization of petrochemical nondegradable polymers in such nonwovens creates sustainability-related issues. Here, sustainable poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and ε-poly-l-lysine (ε-PLL) submicro- and microfiber-based antimicrobial nonwovens produced by a novel industrially scalable process, solution blowing, have been proposed. In such nonwovens, ε-PLL acts as an active material. In particular, it was found that most of ε-PLL is released within the first hour of deployment, as is desirable for the applications of interest. The submicro- and microfiber mat was tested against C. albicans and E. coli, and it was found that ε-PLL-releasing microfibers result in a significant reduction of bacterial colonies. It was also found that ε-PLL-releasing antimicrobial submicro- and microfiber nonwovens are safe for human cells in fibroblast culture. Mechanical characterization of these nonwovens revealed that, even though they are felt as soft and malleable, they possess sufficient strength, which is desirable in the end-user applications.

Słowa kluczowe:
PHB submicro- and microfibers, antimicrobial nonwovens, ε-PLL release, E. coli, C. albicans

Afiliacje autorów:
Dias Y.J. - inna afiliacja
Robles J.R. - inna afiliacja
Sinha-Ray S. - inna afiliacja
Abiade J. - inna afiliacja
Pourdeyhimi B. - inna afiliacja
Niemczyk-Soczyńska B. - IPPT PAN
Kołbuk D. - IPPT PAN
Sajkiewicz P. - IPPT PAN
Yarin A.L. - Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (IL)

Kategoria A Plus


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