Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki
Polskiej Akademii Nauk


Irena Eris

Scientific Research Center Dr Irena Eris (PL)

Ostatnie publikacje
1.  Mlosek K., Dębowska R.M., Lewandowski M., Malinowska S., Nowicki A., Eris I., Imaging of the skin and subcutaneous tissue using classical and high-frequency ultrasonographies in anti-cellulite therapy, SKIN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, ISSN: 0909-752X, Vol.17, pp.461-468, 2011

Background: The development of ultrasonography allowed for skin imaging used in dermatology and esthetic medicine. By means of classic and high-frequency ultrasonographies, changes within the dermis and subcutaneous tissue can be presented.
Objective: The aim of this study was to show the possibi­lities of applying classic and high-frequency ultrasonogra­phies in esthetic dermatology based on monitoring various types of anti-cellulite therapies.
Methods: Sixty-one women with cellulite were assigned to two smaller groups. One group was using anti-cellulite cream and the second group was a placebo group. The ultrasound examin;ition was carried out before the initiation and after the completion of the treatment and evaluated epidermal echoes, the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue and the dermis, dermis echogenicity, the length and surface rea of the subcutaneous tissue fascicles growing into the dermis, and the presence or absence of edemas.
Results: After the completion of the treatment, a statistically significant difference was observed. The most useful para­meters were as follows: the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue, echogenicity, the surface area and length of the sub­cutaneous tissue, as well as the presence of edemas. The discussed changes were not observed in the placebo group.
Conclusion: Classic and high-frequency ultrasonographies are useful methods for monitoring anti-cellulite therapies.

Słowa kluczowe:
high-frequency ultrasonography - cellulite classic ultrasonography ultrasonography

Afiliacje autorów:
Mlosek K. - Medical University of Warsaw (PL)
Dębowska R.M. - Dr. Irena Eris Scientific Research Center (PL)
Lewandowski M. - IPPT PAN
Malinowska S. - Life-Beauty (PL)
Nowicki A. - IPPT PAN
Eris I. - Scientific Research Center Dr Irena Eris (PL)

Kategoria A Plus


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