Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki
Polskiej Akademii Nauk


V. Żarnovskij

Ostatnie publikacje
1.  Kačianauskas R., Mróz Z., Żarnovskij V., Stupak E., Three-dimensional correction of the stress intensity factor for plate with a notch, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE, ISSN: 0376-9429, DOI: 10.1007/s10704-005-4401-1, Vol.136, pp.75-98, 2005

The 3D effects of the 2D mode I stress intensity factor for the plate with a V-shaped straight through-thickness notch are investigated by the finite element method and three-dimensional thicknessdependent correction of SIF is suggested. The correction relies on the assumed relationship between the SIF and the constraint factor (out-of-plane degree of freedom). The 3D finite element mesh generator combining the 2D in-plane adaptive unstructured mesh with the structured through-thickness mesh Is developed and applied for the analysis purposes. Three-dimensionality was examined by using two independent indicators, namely, stress- or strain-based constraint factors. The three-point bend and tensile center-cracked plates are investigated. The results demonstrated that the developed 3D corrections may be treated as upper bound estimates of the SIF for three-point bend plate,while directly obtained numerical values are considered as lower bound estimates. Analysis of the tensile center-cracked plate demonstrated a different nature of the 3D SIF profile, which cannot be simply explained as a transitional state between plain strain and plain stress. Therefore, the suggested 3D correction concept is of a particular character.

Słowa kluczowe:
Constraint factor, finite element method, plate with a notch, three-dimensional stress intensity factor

Afiliacje autorów:
Kačianauskas R. - Vilnius Gedyminas Technical University (LT)
Mróz Z. - IPPT PAN
Żarnovskij V. - inna afiliacja
Stupak E. - inna afiliacja

Kategoria A Plus


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