Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki
Polskiej Akademii Nauk


Medri Riccardo

Ostatnie publikacje
1.  Marinelli M., Lanzi M., Quadretti D., Ziai Y., Pierini F., Zanelli A., Riccardo M., Salatelli E., A new alcohol-soluble dye-tetraphenyl porphyrin functionalized copolymer: Inside the role as a third component/cathode interlayer in halogen-free OSCs, REACTIVE AND FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS, ISSN: 1381-5148, DOI: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2024.105928, Vol.200, pp.105928-1-10, 2024

Development and step-by-step characterizations of a novel cationic thiophene based copolymer (P1buP), including ionic phosphonium salt and dye-tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) moiety in side chains, with an iconic property of solubility in a wide range of polar solvents is reported. Synthesized by using simple, low-cost, and straightforward procedures, the material is used to fabricate completely halogen-free (i.e., from ethanol) ternary organic solar cells (OSCs), in the presence of an alcohol-soluble ionic 3,4-dialkoxythiophene based homopolymer (P2buP) and a serinol-fullerene derivative (C60-Ser). Indeed, thanks to co-sensitization techniques, where multiple dyes harvest different parts of the solar spectrum, the power conversion efficiency of the best final device dramatically increases up to nearly 5.0%, as the light absorption is usually optimized. Additionally, since the use of a cathode interlayer in OSCs also plays a pivotal role in electron extraction and device stability, a possible application of the ionic TPP material as the interfacial layer is also investigated. Furthermore, to improve and optimize the best performing device, a successful post-metalation with Zn of the porphyrin core is carried out, and a ternary OSC (P1buP:P2buP:C60-Ser = 0.33:0.67:1 w/w) is fabricated, resulting in a photoconversion efficiency (PCE) of ∼6.0%.

Słowa kluczowe:
Ionic dye-tetraphenylporphyrin, Co-sensitization, Ternary OSCs, Cathode interlayers, Halogen-free deposition

Afiliacje autorów:
Marinelli M. - inna afiliacja
Lanzi M. - University of Bologna (IT)
Quadretti D. - University of Bologna (IT)
Ziai Y. - IPPT PAN
Pierini F. - IPPT PAN
Zanelli A. - CNR-ISOF (IT)
Riccardo M. - inna afiliacja
Salatelli E. - University of Bologna (IT)

Kategoria A Plus


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