Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki
Polskiej Akademii Nauk


Jacek Katzer

Ostatnie publikacje
1.  Kędziorski P., Skoratko A., Katzer J., Tysiąc P., Jagoda M., Zawidzki M., Harnessing low-cost LiDAR scanners for deformation assessment of 3D-printed concrete-plastic columns with cross-sections based on fractals after critical compressive loading, MEASUREMENT, ISSN: 0263-2241, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2025.117015, Vol.249, pp.1-16, 2025

This article aims to explore the potential of using low-cost devices (iPhone and iPad) equipped with LiDAR scanners in the context of measuring the volume of concrete-plastic specimens with complex shapes. The goal was to assess whether these tools can support or even replace traditional metrology methods. For the purpose of the research program concrete-plastic columns with very complex cross-sections (based on different fractals) were harnessed. The research team was focused on analyzing the potential of using this technology to measure the volume of concrete-plastic structural elements created with the help of 3D printing. The tests were conducted under laboratory conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was compared with results obtained using photogrammetry. The challenges of measurement accuracy, the impact of specimen shape, the impact of material and needed optimization of post-processing on the achieved results were also discussed.

Słowa kluczowe:
3-D printing, LiDAR, Scanning, Fractals, Concrete

Afiliacje autorów:
Kędziorski P. - inna afiliacja
Skoratko A. - inna afiliacja
Katzer J. - inna afiliacja
Tysiąc P. - inna afiliacja
Jagoda M. - inna afiliacja
Zawidzki M. - IPPT PAN
2.  Suchocki C., Katzer J., Zawidzki M., Nowak R., Badanie potencjału technologii iPAD-LiDAR w inwentaryzacji obiektów budowlanych, POMIARY - AUTOMATYKA - ROBOTYKA. PAR, ISSN: 1427-9126, DOI: 10.14313/PAR_251/55, Vol.1, pp.55-61, 2024

W artykule przedstawiono program badawczy mający na celu wstępne określenie potencjału technologii iPAD-LiDAR w inwentaryzacji obiektów budowlanych.
Autorzy skupili się na wykorzystaniu komercyjnie dostępnych urządzeń (telefonów komórkowych
i tabletów) wyposażonych w sensor LiDAR. Urządzenia takie można potraktować jako nisko kosztowe aparaty pomiarowe i zastosować do pomiarów inżynierskich. Pierwszym możliwym obszarem wykorzystania omawianych urządzeń są szeroko rozumiane inwentaryzacje budowlane, które przy wykonywaniu ich tradycyjnymi metodami zawsze wiążą się z dużym
nakładem pracy. Automatyzacja tego procesu oraz jakość i ilość danych pozyskanych przy
wykonywaniu inwentaryzacji tworzy zupełnie nową rzeczywistość techniczną i związane z tym
możliwości pomiarowo-diagnostyczne.

Słowa kluczowe:
iPAD, LiDAR, skaning, tablet, nisko kosztowy

Afiliacje autorów:
Suchocki C. - inna afiliacja
Katzer J. - inna afiliacja
Zawidzki M. - inna afiliacja
Nowak R. - inna afiliacja

Prace konferencyjne
1.  Zawidzki M., Katzer J., Folding Mechanisms of Selected Extremely Modular Systems, CCC 2024, 2024 CREATIVE CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, 2024-06-29/07-02, Praga (CZ), DOI: 10.3311/CCC2024-123, pp.1-7, 2024

Extremely Modular System (EMS) is a relatively new concept introduced a few years ago. It represents a new approach to the design of engineering structures and architectural objects where assembly of congruent units allows for the creation of free-form shapes. The main difference from the traditional modular systems used in engineering, is the emphasis of the minimal diversity of types of modules, ideally - just one. This is why these system are called "extremely" modular. One of the most natural areas for use of EMSs are deployable structures. This paper presents rigid body folding mechanisms for two selected EMSs: Pipe-Z - a parametric system comprised of one type of module allowing for creation of three-dimensional knots, and Truss-Z - a modular system for creating free-form ramps and ramp networks among any number of terminals.

Słowa kluczowe:
Extremely Modular System, Deployable Structure, Free-form. Pipe-Z, Truss-Z

Afiliacje autorów:
Zawidzki M. - IPPT PAN
Katzer J. - inna afiliacja

Abstrakty konferencyjne
1.  Zawidzki M., Katzer J., Folding Mechanisms of Selected Extremely Modular Systems, CCC 2024, 2024 CREATIVE CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, 2024-06-29/07-02, Praga (CZ), pp.1-1, 2024

Extremely Modular System (EMS for short) is a relatively new concept introduced by the
author a few years ago. It represents a new approach to the design of engineering
structures and architectural objects where assembly of congruent units allows for the
creation of free-form shapes.
The main difference from the traditional modular systems used in engineering, is the
emphasis of the minimal diversity of types of modules, ideally - just one. This is why these
system are extremely modular.

These are six basic advantages of EMSs:
1. Economical - as they are suitable for mass fabrication, thus lowering the cost so they
can be broadly applied;
2. Functional - as they allow for reconfiguration, expansion, reduction;
3. Robust - since every module which failed can be easily replaced with an identical but functional one;
4. Discrete - as they are suitable for intelligent mathematical modeling, and their configurations can be subjected to discrete (multi-objective) optimization using efficient search algorithms;
5. Uniform - this feature is advantageous for rapid deployment and automated assembly.
6. Sustainable - as the entire modules can be reused.

One of the most advantageous areas for implementation of EMSs are deployable structures.
Moreover, it is crucial that the individual modules and entire structure are rigid.
This paper presents folding mechanisms for two selected EMSs: Pipe-Z - a parametric system
comprised of one type of module allowing for creation of three-dimensional knots, and Truss-Z -
a modular system for creating free-form ramps and ramp networks among any number of

Słowa kluczowe:
Extremely Modular System, Deployable Structure, Free-form, Pipe-Z, Truss-Z

Afiliacje autorów:
Zawidzki M. - IPPT PAN
Katzer J. - inna afiliacja

Kategoria A Plus


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