Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Jinwei Gao

Recent publications
1.  Li C., Qiu T., Li C., Cheng B., Jin M., Zhou G., Giersig M., Wang X., Gao J., Akinoglu E.M., Highly Flexible and Acid−Alkali Resistant TiN Nanomesh Transparent Electrodes for Next-Generation Optoelectronic Devices, ACS Nano, ISSN: 1936-0851, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c05211, pp.1-10, 2023

Transparent electrodes are vital for optoelectronic devices, but their development has been constrained by the limitations of existing materials such as indium tin oxide (ITO) and newer alternatives. All face issues of robustness, flexibility,conductivity, and stability in harsh environments. Addressing this challenge, we developed a flexible, low-cost titanium nitride (TiN) nanomesh transparent electrode showcasing exceptional acid−alkali resistance. The TiN nanomesh electrode, created by depositing a TiN coating on a naturally cracked gel film substrate via a sputtering method, maintains a stable electrical performance through thousands of bending cycles. It exhibits outstanding chemical stability, resisting strong acid and alkali corrosion, which is a key hurdle for current electrodes when in contact with acidic/alkaline materials and solvents during device fabrication. This, coupled with superior light transmission and conductivity (88% at 550 nm with a sheet resistance of ∼200 Ω/sq), challenges the reliance on conventional materials. Our TiN nanomesh electrode,successfully applied in electric heaters and electrically controlled thermochromic devices, offers broad potential beyond harsh environment applications. It enables alternative possibilities for the design and fabrication of future optoelectronics for advancements in this pivotal field.

transparent electrode, titanium nitride, flexible, corrosion resistant, mesh, smart window

Li C. - other affiliation
Qiu T. - other affiliation
Li C. - other affiliation
Cheng B. - other affiliation
Jin M. - South China Normal Universit (CN)
Zhou G. - South China Normal Universit (CN)
Giersig M. - IPPT PAN
Wang X. - other affiliation
Gao J. - other affiliation
Akinoglu E.M. - University of Melbourne (AU)

Category A Plus


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