Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences

IPPT PAN was awarded category A+

Following a comprehensive evaluation by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences has been awarded the highest scientific category A+ in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

Mechanical Engineering is the longest researched science discipline at our Institute, with over 70 years of experience and the largest number of mechanical engineering researchers. However, it is worth mentioning here that the IPPT PAN is multidisciplinary in nature. Therefore, the evaluation covered four different science disciplines. All four have proven a high standard of scientific research, and have been certified to educate students, run doctoral schools, and confer the degrees of doctor and doktor habilitowany [higher DSc degree in many central European countries] in:

  • Mechanical Engineering – category A+
  • Materials Engineering – category A
  • Information Technologies and Telecommunications – category A
  • Biomedical Engineering (the newest addition to our scientific disciplines) – category B+

The categories have been awarded for 2022-2026

The results were announced by the Ministry of Education and Science. A comprehensive evaluation of scientific units (commonly known as “parametrization”) is carried out by the KEJN Komitet Ewaluacji Jednostek Naukowych [Committee of Scientific Units Evaluation], following surveys submitted by scientific units in Poland. The surveys cover 4 years of research (excluding the years 2017-2021 when the evaluation covered five years due to the Covid-19 pandemic).

The latest evaluation has introduced new rules concerning the assessment of scientific activity. Unlike in the past, every discipline and all our researchers have been evaluated. Also taken under scrutiny were individual achievements of students of doctoral schools run by the evaluated entities and who had prepared their doctoral theses. KEJN Teams assigned points based on the following criteria:

  • CRITERION I – scientific level of the conducted research;
  • CRITERION II – scientific research and development which have translated into financial results;
  • CRITERION III – our scientific activity which has impacted the society and economy

uprawnienia IPPT PAN

While the evaluation categories and criteria change, the IPPT PAN has always been top rated and maintained the highest standards of research.

For former evaluation results, see: www

The assignment of the highest scientific category certifies the rank of a scientific unit and puts it in the position of a leader who can undertake initiatives in creating consortia able to apply for substantial funding for the most ambitious of research.

Category A Plus


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