Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences

Organizational Structure

The Witold Nowacki Library of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPPT PAN) is one of the oldest scientific libraries at the Polish Academy of Sciences. The Library is recognized as multidisciplinary scientific library, combining engineering and technical sciences collections with medicine scientific resources. Among purposes of the Library activity could be indicated providing access to knowledge resources for study and research work. The Witold Nowacki Library makes its collection available to scientists and researchers, as well as Ph.D. candidates affiliated with the IPPT PAN. The IPPT PAN Library is open for their patrons all weekdays from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

  • The Library activity is focused on print and electronic collections of books and journals gathering, recording and protecting, classification and cataloguing using bibliographic metadata standards, as well as providing reference service based on resources of bibliographic information. The Library's scientific collections are available to all employees and doctoral students affiliated with the IPPT PAN, as well as to retired employees of the Institute. Bibliographic information about the IPPT PAN library collections is presented in the online catalog. Employees and guests of IPPT PAN are entitled to use on-site, in the Reading Room, free access library resources, as well as the collections from the stock of compact and continuous forms. The Library provides to its visitors access to the Library's electronic catalogue: 

                       The Library online catalogue's address is following: 

  • The IPPT PAN Library is a participant of the Polish national network of scientific libraries and is covered by the interlibrary loan system. All the IPPT PAN employees are entitled to use interlibrary loans via the IPPT PAN Library. The reader is obliged to return the borrowed collections on time. Fees charged by other libraries for overdue or damage to borrowed library volumes are borne by the reader.
  • The collections of the IPPT PAN scientific book collection are loaned externally to employees of other scientific institutions and universities with which the IPPT PAN Library has agreements on mutual access to library collections (the collections are made available only on the basis of an interlibrary loan slip issued by the library of the parent institution). During the academic holidays (July-September), interlibrary loans may be processed with delays due to holiday breaks in library operations.
  • The Library of the IPPT PAN is taking part in many forms of cooperation with other Polish academic and scientific libraries for electronic collections developing and increasing, including selected own collections digital preservation. One of the project, named the Virtual Science Library (WBN), allows to get acquainted with current and archived scientific publications around the world. The WBN provides licensed resources of scientific literature from Elsevier, Springer, Wiley and many other publishers. Access to the above-mentioned offer publishing houses is possible from computers with IP numbers registered in the WBN database, including computers located in IPPT PAN. We invite you to browse the resources of the Virtual Science Library.

                       The WBN website address:  

  • The Library coordinates publishing programs which purpose is providing authors affiliated to the IPPT PAN with the opportunity to publish a scientific article in open access in scientific periodicals in renowned publishing houses, at Elsevier and Springer, with no cost to the authors (regarding this matter, please, contact the local administrator of the programs - Boguslawa Lewandowska-Gruszka, Ph.D.).

  • The Witold Nowacki Library's role is also preparation of bibliographic and bibliometric reports of scientific achievements of the IPPT PAN - the Library is working on analysis of publications using current science metric systems (you can check reported information on citations of IPPT PAN employees on website: 
  • To popularize its resources, the IPPT PAN Library familiarizes readers with its collections by organizing exhibitions. That are mainly exhibitions of print literary output of prominent scholars affiliated with the Institute or other outstanding scholars. The Library introduces to their patrons collects of scientific publications of prestigious publishers in the area of applied mathematics and physics, informatics and technical sciences. There is some information on the latest one exhibition which was hosted by the Library:


The IPPT PAN Library prepared an exhibition of scientific collections originating from the private library of Professor Elmar Zeitler (1927 - 2020), a distinguished German physicist. The book resources were donated to the IPPT PAN Library by the widow of the Professor, Mrs. Li Zeitler. On February 16, 2024, the exhibition was graced by the presence of Professor’s son, Mr. Hans Zeitler. The IPPT PAN Library received several valuable cimelia and a substantial collection of historical and contemporary scientific monographs. Browsing through the monographs collection, visitors can acquaint themselves with outstanding scientific works in the field of theoretical and experimental physics, as well as applied mathematics. The Professor's private collections presented at the exhibition include both historical prints from the 1930s and 1940s and the latest publications from prominent publishers. The exhibition opened on May 10, 2022, and will run until March 10, 2024. The exhibitioncan be visited on workdays from 8 AM untill 4.PM.

pdfBiography of Prof. Elmar Zeitler (by Prof. Michael Giersig) 

                                               (Picture n. 1)                                                                                                     (Picture n. 2)                                                              In the first picture - from the left side: Mr. Hans Zeitler and Prof. Michael Giersig. In the second picture - from the left side: Mr. Hans Zeitler, Prof. Janusz Szczepański, Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Burczyński, Prof. dr hab. Michael Giersig.

  • The Library continues developing its both print and electronic collections; to reach this purpose continuously gathering the components of the Library collections and simultaneously recording the current purchases and donations (with including the cases of interchanging between academic libraries) for its collections; the recording process consists in giving merits shape to each new component of the collections. The IPPT PAN Library is currently gathering resources in following disciplines: nanotechnology, nanomaterials, nonlinear mechanics, mathematical and physical foundations of the theory of solid media and materials, mechanics of solids and fluids, analytical mechanics, statistical physics, finite element method, optimization, reliability, adaptative structures, quantum mechanis, strength, fatigue and fracture of materials, physics of plasma, biomechanics, theory and mechanics of structures, rheology, theory of mechanical systems, civil engineering, ecology in civil engineering, electrodynamics of continua, theory of electromagnetic waves, physics of polimers, materials engineering, automatics and robotics, informatics, nondestructive testing of materials and structures, physical acoustics, aeroacoustics, acoustoelectronics, vibrations and noise, noise control, acoustics of speech and musics, psychoacoustics, acoustics of environment, acoustics in urbanistic and civil engineering, hydroacoustics, quantum acoustics, nonlinear acoustics, acoustic emission, ultrasounds in biology, medicine and industry, acoustic experimental equipments.

For achieving its goals the IPPT PAN Library continues participating in selected Polish academic and scientific libraries forums, among them are: the Consortium for the Scientific Libraries of the Polish Academy of Sciences for developing the union bibliographic database and catalogue of the libraries with memberships in the project, also the Virtual Library of Science (coordinated by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling of the Warsaw University), as well as the Consortium of the Open Resources in the Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes for increasing digital collections of the open access publications of scientific libraries of the Polish Academy of Sciences and other research institutes. 

Orders and reservations for the IPPT PAN Library collections can be made at the following e-mail address: 

The Library Circulation Desk you may contact at:

Category A Plus


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  +48 22 826 12 81 (central)
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