Welcome to the Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures Official Website!
Here is an extensive list of our activities. Click on the tabs to learn more about the current research projects and achievements. We are also especially proud to show you our state-of-the-art research equipment. For our employees’ contact details, just scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Employees and Teams
Head: | ![]() |
Prof. Michał Giersig, PhD, DSc phone: +48 22 826 12 81 ext. 410 room: 420 e-mail: |
Secretary: |
Monika Węglowska phone: +48 22 826 98 41 / +48 22 826 12 81 ext. 219 room: 524 e-mail: / |
Department structure units:
Current Research Activities:
- Analytical mechanics of discrete and continuous media with micro- and nanostructure (including low-dimensional ones).
- Mathematical description of essentially nonlinear phenomena in non-homogeneous media with non-trivial geometry (including those on curved shells and membranes/biomembranes).
- Mechanics of infinitesimal deformable test bodies moving on two-dimensional curved surfaces embedded into three-dimensional Euclidean space.
- Theoretical description of distributions of spin textures/magnetic excitations on curved surfaces (e.g., on shells, membranes/biomembranes, nanostructures, etc.).
- Non-linear transport theory, thermodynamics of continua.
- Quantum and statistical foundations of the theory of continuous media, gases, quantum fluids and phonon gases.
- Non-linear theory of molecular orientation in polymers and experimental verification.
- Kinetics of non-stationary nucleation and crystallization of polymers under variable thermodynamic conditions - theory and experiment.
- Kinetics of polymorphic phase transitions in polymers - theory and experiment.
- Computer simulation of molecular dynamics in polymer systems.
- Mathematical modeling and computer simulation of fibers and nanofibers formation.
- Electrospinning of nanofibers for biotechnological applications.
- Linear and non-linear optical effects in nanophotonic structures.
- Nonspecular effects of reflection and transmission of electromagnetic field.
- Generation, propagation and diffraction of higher-order optical beams and pulses.
- Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian beams and pulses in resonance dielectric and metamaterial structures.
- Spin and orbital angular momentum, optical vortices, polarization of optical field.
- Generation, propagation and applications of surface plasmon polaritons.
- Nanovisualisation in optical near field, optical trapping of nanoparticles, self-assembling of nanostructures in optical fields.
- Optical solitons, optical bistability.
- Fast and slow optical pulses.
- Ultrasonic sensors for investigations of the physical properties of materials (solids and liquids):
- measurements of liquid viscosity under high pressures,
- application of the SH bulk and surface acoustic waves (Love and Bleustein-Gulyaev) for investigation of the rheological parameters of liquids,
- acoustic sensors for detection and measurement of the concentration of the flammable and hazardous,
- determination of the elastic parameters of thin solid films.
Key Words:
- media with micro- and nanostructure, surfaces with non-trivial geometry, infinitesimal deformable test bodies, geodesic/geodetic solutions, distributions of spin textures/magnetic excitations.
- transport phenomena, quantum mechanics, phonons, relativistic fields and particles.
- molecular orientation, non-linear elastooptics, molecular dynamics, nucleation, crystallization kinetics, non-isothermal crystallization, oriented crystallization, polymorphic phase transitions, computer modeling, electrospinning.
- photonics, plasmonics, spintronics, nanovisualisation, nanomanipulation, optical beams, optical pulses, optical vortices, non-specular effects, optical bi-stability, surface plasmon polaritons, meta-materials, optical resonators, optical concentrators.
Proposed Ph.D. Projects:
Proposed PhD
Proposed Ph.D. Projects: