Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Building a bridge between the economy and science conducted at the Institute is a key priority for IPPT PAN. Close cooperation with representatives of various branches of the economy increases the quality of obtained results and allows for the rationalization and high efficiency of using public funds allotted to science. Therefore, the Institute focuses its efforts on creating national and international science-industry consortia. We address the offer to all institutions providing services of every kind, be it from the public or private sector, big corporations or smaller entrepreneurs.

The aim of IPPT PAN consortia is to create, develop and implement new technologies and services. We actively participate in Polish programmes such as competitions of the Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (National Centre for Research and Development) and the European Union programmes (Horizon), which helps us gain additional funding.

Currently, we focus research on: medicine, transport, electrical engineering, energy and construction. IPPT PAN also undertakes non-commercial, industrial research and development in the fields of: environment protection, health, safety etc.

Another important undertaking of the Institute is carrying out doctoral study in the form of the so-called doktoraty wdrożeniowe (implementation doctorates), which consist in the development of a particular technology made in cooperation with one chosen company/business.

IPPT PAN Centre for Commercialization and Technology Transfer

IPPT PAN Centre for Commercialization and Technology Transfer was set up with aims to fully use the intellectual and technical potential of IPPT PAN, and to transfer research results to the industry. The Centre supports IPPT PAN researchers in their efforts to transfer technologies, implement their research results for the industry, coordinate and integrate the whole process of developing and commercializing technologies – starting from identifying IPPT PAN promising technologies and finding potential business partners, to finally licensing successful technologies.

Center's main role is to:

  • attract the industry with IPPT PAN research of strategic meaning for the economy,
  • cooperate with external agents on initiating and realizing joint activities in high technologies,
  • cooperate with entrepreneurs on transferring scientific research conducted at IPPT PAN; participate in negotiating processes, prepare and supervise TOT contracts,
  • manage IPPT PAN intellectual property,
  • coordinate processes related to the creation of material goods by IPPT PAN employees and doctoral students, and assign protection in the form of industrial property rights,
  • run consulting, incl. educating, training and promoting activities, about IPPT PAN intellectual property and technology transfer,
  • Create entrepreneurial competence of scientific employees and support their enterprises through business consulting and assistance in creating innovative companies whose main aim is to implement IPPT PAN research results.

Recently, we have successfully implemented IPPT PAN research in the areas of:

  • intelligent technologies for aviation and space science
  • advanced adaptive impact absorption and vibration damping methods and systems
  • modern technologies of producing new biomaterials and nanofibers for medicine
  • advanced ultrasonographic methods and technologies for medical diagnostics
  • innovative materials, incl. modern composites, cement, concrete etc.
Category A Plus


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  +48 22 826 12 81 (central)
  +48 22 826 98 15

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