Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Zbigniew Wołejsza, PhD, DSc

Department of Intelligent Technologies (ZTI)
Division of Safety Engineering (PIB)
position: Main Specialist
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.: 197
room: 444
ORCID: 0000-0001-6568-3429

Recent publications
1.  Knap L., Graczykowski C., Holnicki-Szulc J., Wołejsza Z., Strategies for reduction of energy consumption during ascending and descending process of modern telescopic HAPS aerostats, BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES, ISSN: 0239-7528, DOI: 10.24425/bpasts.2020.131833, Vol.68, No.1, pp.155-168, 2020

In this article, the authors propose and investigate a new concept of HAPS aerostat design in a modular form, which allows for sequential increasing or decreasing of the total volume, up to the desired size. In its initial form, the aerostat has relatively small dimensions but its central cylindrical part is multi-segmented and can be easily extended. The application of controllable construction couplings enables precise control of the aerostat expansion process and significantly improves its vertical mobility. The paper describes details of telescopic aerostat construction, presents a mathematical model of its vertical motion and investigates numerically two volume control strategies aimed at maximization of operation efficiency and minimization of operation cost. The results obtained reveal the main problems that have to be addressed and the factors that play a key role in design of such telescopic aerostats and control of their vertical mobility.

helium airship, control of vertical mobility, reduced energy consumption, optimum ascending and descending path

Knap L. - Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
Graczykowski C. - IPPT PAN
Holnicki-Szulc J. - IPPT PAN
Wołejsza Z. - IPPT PAN
2.  Mikułowski G., Pawłowski P., Wołejsza Z., Podwozie lotnicze z adaptacyjnym systemem absorpcji energii, JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICA INTEGRA, ISSN: 1896-8856, Vol.1, pp.125-129, 2007

Podczas każdego lądowania samoloty są narażone na duże przeciążenia dynamiczne mające zdecydowany wpływ na trwałość i niezawodność konstrukcji nośnej. Wielkość przeciążeń, jakim poddawany jest kadłub samolotu, zależy w dużej mierze od poprawnej pracy podwozia lotniczego. Głównym elementem podwozia, który pochłania największą ilość energii kinetycznej związanej z momentem przyziemienia jest amortyzator. Optymalne działanie amortyzatora lotniczego ma decydujący wpływ na zużycie zmęczeniowe materiałów konstrukcyjnych oraz na bezpieczeństwo lądowania.
Wprowadzenie systemu adaptacyjnego, który będzie w stanie modelować charakterystykę dyssypacji po przeprowadzeniu diagnozowania energii kinetycznej związanej z prędkością przyziemienia i ciężarem samolotu, znacznie poprawi efektywność działania amortyzatora lotniczego, zwiększając niezawodność eksploatacyjną konstrukcji i bezpieczeństwo lotu.

podwozia lotnicze, podwozie adaptacyjne, adaptacyjna dyssypacja energii

Mikułowski G. - IPPT PAN
Pawłowski P. - IPPT PAN
Wołejsza Z. - IPPT PAN

Conference papers
1.  Świercz A., Graczykowski C., Knap L., Wołejsza Z., Holnicki-Szulc J., SKY SAILING OF TETHERED AEROSTATS FOR EFFICIENT AERIAL MONITORING, AeroBest 2023, II ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems, 2023-07-19/07-21, Lisbon (PT), pp.379-387, 2023

This contribution introduces the concept of sky sailing, which combines the
advantages of airships and standard fixed-wing aircraft, albeit in a vertical plane alignment.
The proposed vehicle is equipped with rigid aerodynamic sails and auxiliary engines, enabling
navigation and control with minimal power consumption along the desired trajectory. The
proper orientation of the airship relative to the wind direction is achieved through the
adjustment of the sails' angle of attack and the use of auxiliary lateral engines. Consequently,
the system enables efficient maneuvering, particularly in windy conditions, while requiring low
energy input. In the current stage of our research, we focus on 2D sky sailing in a horizontal
plane. This study formulates mathematical model which employs a combined approach of
analytical methods and numerical simulations based on finite volume method. Then, the
corresponding control problem aimed at following the desired fly path with the lowest possible
energetic cost. The motivation behind this work stems from the potential applications of aerial
monitoring, such as crop or forest surveillance.

Airship, flight control, optimization, aerospace

Świercz A. - IPPT PAN
Graczykowski C. - IPPT PAN
Knap L. - Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
Wołejsza Z. - IPPT PAN
Holnicki-Szulc J. - IPPT PAN
2.  Holnicki-Szulc J., Faraj R., Graczykowski C., Mikułowski G., Pawłowski P., Świercz A., Wołejsza Z., Knap L., Sekuła K., Wiącek D., ADAPTIVE AIRBAG SYSTEMS FOR PROTECTION OF GENERAL AVIATION, AeroBest 2023, II ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems, 2023-07-19/07-21, Lisbon (PT), pp.173-183, 2023

The contribution describes three innovative external airbag systems developed by the
authors for the protection of flying objects during emergency landings. The first one is the
AdBag system dedicated for small drones, which is designed to protect the carried equipment
and prevent damages to objects or injuries to people at the crash location. The second system
is external airbag designed for ultralight aircraft Skyleader 600, which provides significant
reduction of touchdown velocity and deceleration levels during emergency landings, thereby
improving protection of the pilot and the passengers. Finally, the last presented solution is the
Spring-Drop system with specialized airbag deployment technique, which is dedicated for
specialised airdrop operations where the touchdown conditions can be extremely harsh and
unexpected, while protection of transported cargo is of crucial importance. Both conceptual
studies, numerical simulations and experimental tests of the three proposed systems are
presented and discussed.

External airbags, adaptive system, emergency landing, human safety

Holnicki-Szulc J. - IPPT PAN
Faraj R. - IPPT PAN
Graczykowski C. - IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G. - IPPT PAN
Pawłowski P. - IPPT PAN
Świercz A. - IPPT PAN
Wołejsza Z. - IPPT PAN
Knap L. - Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
Sekuła K. - other affiliation
Wiącek D. - IPPT PAN
3.  Graczykowski C., Knap L., Holnicki-Szulc J., Wołejsza Z., Development of Control Strategies for Vertical Mobility of Adaptive Telescopic High-altitude Aerostats, SMART 2019, 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2019-07-08/07-11, Paris (FR), pp.1-8, 2019

In this article we propose a new concept of adaptive telescopic high-altitude aerostat designed in a modular form which allows for sequential changes of volume during the flight. The proposed telescopic aerostat can be easily enlarged or contracted due to application of multi-segmented construction, controllable segments’ couplings and precise adjustment of internal pressure obtained using additional gas tank, valve and compressor. Conducted changes of aerostat volume allow to precisely control generated lift force and to obtain desired paths of ascending and descending. The paper briefly presents development of control strategies aimed at: i) reaching the subsequent altitudes in the shortest period of time, ii) reaching these altitudes at the smallest cost defined as total work done by the compressor. The obtained results show high potential of the proposed innovative concept of the aerostat.

helium airship, control of vertical mobility, reduced energy consumption, optimal ascending and descending paths

Graczykowski C. - IPPT PAN
Knap L. - Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
Holnicki-Szulc J. - IPPT PAN
Wołejsza Z. - IPPT PAN
4.  Wołejsza Z., Holnicki-Szulc J., Graczykowski C., Hinc K., Faraj R., Kowalski T., Mikułowski G., Kaźmierczak K., Wiszowaty R., Pawłowski P., Dynamics and control of adaptive airbags for UAV impact protection, ISMA 2018 / USD 2018, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering / International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2018-09-17/09-19, Leuven (BE), pp.3661-3670, 2018

Small drones with total mass of a few kilograms are becoming more and more popular in many applications increasing the probability of occurrence of emergency situations caused by an equipment failure or a human error. In case of a fall from a high altitude very often it is possible to use parachute rescue systems, which however require relatively long time for deployment and development of braking forces. The touchdown velocity may be large enough to exceed limit accelerations for UAV equipment. The paper presents the concept of deployable airbag systems, in particular with adaptive flow control, which provides a possible solution to the above-mentioned problems. The paper discusses the overall control and adaptation strategy. Simplified methods for mathematical modeling are proposed and formulated for an example on a cylindrical airbag. The conceptual part is concluded with the presentation of the methodology of experimental verification and results of initial tests of the integrated airbag system.

Wołejsza Z. - IPPT PAN
Holnicki-Szulc J. - IPPT PAN
Graczykowski C. - IPPT PAN
Hinc K. - other affiliation
Faraj R. - IPPT PAN
Kowalski T. - Adaptronica Sp. z o.o. (PL)
Mikułowski G. - IPPT PAN
Kaźmierczak K. - other affiliation
Wiszowaty R. - IPPT PAN
Pawłowski P. - IPPT PAN

Conference abstracts
1.  Kowalski T., Faraj R., Graczykowski C., Hinc K., Mikułowski G., Pawłowski P., Wołejsza Z., Development of adaptive airbags for emergency landing of small uav, SolMech 2018, 41st SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2018-08-27/08-31, Warszawa (PL), pp.1-2, 2018

Filing No./Date
Filing Publication
Protection Area, Applicant Name
Patent Number
Date of Grant
Holnicki-Szulc J. K., Wołejsza Z., Świercz A., Graczykowski C.
Aerostat przemieszczający się w powietrzu z wykorzystaniem energii wiatru
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
BUP 40/2024
Wołejsza Z., Świercz A., Holnicki-Szulc J. K., Całka J.
Device for generating electricity from wind and a method of generating electricity using this device
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
Bulletin 2021/15
Faraj R., Kowalski T. M., Wołejsza Z., Mikułowski G., Pawłowski P., Hinc K., Graczykowski C., Holnicki-Szulc J.
Emergency landing device
EPO, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
Bulletin 2022/14

BUP 34/2021
Zawidzki M., Wołejsza Z.
Basically cylindrical modular design for securing an object at the bottom of water region
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
WUP 25/2023

BUP 25/2021
Wołejsza Z., Holnicki-Szulc J. K.
Adaptive tether system, in particular for an aerostat and an aircraft containing it
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
WUP 6/2024

Bulletin 2020/34
Knap L., Wołejsza Z., Graczykowski C., Faraj R., Holnicki-Szulc J.
Tethered helium kite gas replenishment device and gas replenishment method
EPO, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
Bulletin 2022/08

BUP 8/2021
Faraj R., Kowalski T., Wołejsza Z., Mikułowski G., Pawłowski P. K., Hinc K., Graczykowski C., Holnicki-Szulc J. K.
Adaptive emergency landing device for a flying object, especially for an unmanned aerial vehicle
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
WUP 5/2024

BUP 26/2020
Knap L., Graczykowski C., Holnicki-Szulc J., Wołejsza Z.
Variable volume airship and method of changing the vertical position of the airship
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
WUP 50/2022

BUP 18/2020
Knap L., Wołejsza Z., Graczykowski C., Faraj R., Holnicki-Szulc J. K.
Tethered helium kite gas replenishment device and gas replenishment method
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
WUP 51/2022

BUP 21/2018
Faraj R., Wołejsza Z.
Construction of a mechanism for prerotation of a helicopter rotor and method for putting the helicopter rotor in the state of initial rotation using the fly-wheel mechanism, preferably for throw-off capsules
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
WUP 9/2019

BUP 13/2018
Holnicki-Szulc J., Faraj R., Pawłowski P., Wołejsza Z., Kaźmierczak K., Hinc K.
Unfolding structure of a stratospheric airship and method for changing volume, preferably of the unfolding structure of the stratospheric airship
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Adaptronica sp. z o.o.
WUP 10/2019

Category A Plus


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