Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Nkwor Adachukwu Nwaka

Recent publications
1.  Adachukwu Nwaka N., Pius Oziri U., William Robert W., Nwaji N., Karl F., Fatty acid profile and production of fatliquor from Canarium schweinfurthii mesocarp oil. Pertanika , Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN: 0128-7680, Vol.27, pp.2221-2243, 2019

Fatty acid profile of Canarium schweinfurthii mesocarp oil was determined by GC-MS.
Sulphonated fatliquor was synthesized from the oil and characterized by FT-IR, 1
13C NMR, and DSC. The fatliquor was applied onto light leather in the processing of
leather shoe upper and physical tests carried out on the fixed leather. The sulphonated C.
schweinfurthii mesocarp oil had good characteristics as a leather fatliquor as shown by
the physical and strength properties of the fatliquored leather. In addition, a significantly
opened up structure of the leather treated with the prepared sulphonated oil was observed
as indicated from the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images. The features of the
processed trial leathers were comparable with similar leather made with commercially
available fatliquor

Adachukwu Nwaka N. - other affiliation
Pius Oziri U. - other affiliation
William Robert W. - other affiliation
Nwaji N. - IPPT PAN
Karl F. - other affiliation

Category A Plus


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