Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Tshiwawa Tendamudzimu

Recent publications
1.  Refilwe M., Tendamudzimu T., Muthumuni M., Nwaji N., Kevin L., Tebello N., Theoretical and photodynamic therapy characteristics of heteroatom doped detonation nanodiamonds linked to asymmetrical phthalocyanine for eradication of breast cancer cells, Journal of Luminescence, ISSN: 0022-2313, DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2020.117465, Vol.227, pp.1-13, 2020

An amide mono substituted benzothiozole phthalocyanine: zinc(II) 3-(4-((3,17,23-tris(4-(benzo [d]thiazol-2-yl)
phenoxy)-9-yl)oxy) phenyl)amide phthalocyanine (NH2BzPc) was covalently linked to undoped and heteroatom
doped detonation nanodiamonds (DNDs): B@DNDs, P@DNDs, S@DNDs, N@DNDs, and S&N@DNDs There is a
drastic decrease in highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) – lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO)
energy gaps for nanoconjugates compared to DNDs alone. B@DNDs-NH2BzPc, S&N@DNDs-NH2BzPc, and
P@DNDs-NH2BzPc showed superior photodynamic therapy (PDT) effects. DNDs-NH2BzPc also had a small
HOMO-LUMO gap, but did not show improved PDT activity compared to the Pc alone, suggesting doping of
DNDs is important. This study shows improved PDT effect on Michigan Cancer Foundation-7 breast cancer lines
at 7.63%, 7.62% and 6.5% cell viability for P@DNDs-NH2BzPc, S&N@DNDs-NH2BzPc and B@DNDs-NH2BzPc,

Refilwe M. - other affiliation
Tendamudzimu T. - other affiliation
Muthumuni M. - other affiliation
Nwaji N. - other affiliation
Kevin L. - other affiliation
Tebello N. - other affiliation

Category A Plus


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