Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Yasmin Juliane Dias

Recent publications
1.  Silva M.J., Dias Y.J., Zaszczyńska A., Kołbuk-Konieczny D., Kowalczyk T., Sajkiewicz P. Ł., Yarin A., Three-phase bio-nanocomposite natural-rubber-based microfibers reinforced with cellulose nanowhiskers and 45S5 bioglass obtained by solution blow spinning, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, ISSN: 0021-8995, DOI: 10.1002/app.54661, Vol.140, No.45, pp.e54661-1-18, 2023

Aiming at biomedical applications, the present work developed a new bio-nanocomposite fibrous mat based on natural rubber (NR) reinforced with 45S5 bioglass particles (BG) and cellulose nanowhiskers (CNW), which reveals excellent mechanical properties, good biocompatibility and bioactivity properties. Analyses of the specimens were conducted by means of morphological observa-tions (SEM) and thermal analysis (TG/DTG), as well as mechanical tests used to verify the effect of the incorporation of BG particles and CNW on the ultimate properties of these flexible NR-CWN/BG fibrous membranes. An SEM analysis revealed that all filaments possessed a ribbon-like morphology, with increasing diameters as the BG concentration increased. This likely results from an increased viscosity of the solution used for fiber blowing. In comparison with neat NR fibrous mats, the ultimate mechanical properties of bio-nanocomposites were sig-nificantly improved due to the presence of CNW and BG particles dispersed in the NR matrix. According to the TG/DTG analysis, the specimens' thermal stability was unaffected by the high BG content, and the thermal profiles were similar, with isoprene chains decomposition of the NR occurring between 350 and 450°C. In-vitro analysis on fibroblasts confirmed that the bio-nanocomposite fibrous mats are noncytotoxic. It was found that fibrous mats enhanced cellular growth and hold great promise for tissue engineering applications.

bioactive particles,cellulose nanowhiskers,fibrous mat bio-nanocomposite,natural rubber

Silva M.J. - other affiliation
Dias Y.J. - other affiliation
Zaszczyńska A. - IPPT PAN
Kołbuk-Konieczny D. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk T. - IPPT PAN
Sajkiewicz P. Ł. - IPPT PAN
Yarin A. - Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (IL)
2.  Silva M.J., Dias Y.J., Zaszczyńska A., Rojas Robles J., Abiade J., Kowalczyk T., Kołbuk-Konieczny D., Sajkiewicz P., Yarin A.L., Biocomposite-based fibrous scaffolds of natural rubber/polyhydroxybutyrate blend reinforced with 45S5 bioglass aiming at biomedical applications, Polymer Composites, ISSN: 0272-8397, DOI: 10.1002/pc.27839, pp.1-21, 2023

The solution blow spinning technique was used to fabricate a new biocomposite fibrous mat consisting of natural rubber (NR) and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) bioblend, with various loads of 45S5 bioglass (BG) particles. According to SEM analysis, NR fibers exhibited ribbon-like morphologies, whereas the addition of PHB resulted in improved fiber formation and a reduction in their diameter. In NR-PHB/BG biocomposites with varying BG loadings, typical thermal degradation events of PHB (stage i) and NR (stage ii) were observed. In comparison with pure PHB, the TG/DTG curves of NR-PHB/BG specimens revealed a lower stage i degradation peak. Such an outcome is possibly due to the fact that PHB in the NR-PHB fibers is located predominantly at the surface, that is, PHB is more susceptible to thermal degradation. The NR-PHB/BG biocomposite possessed an increased stiffness due to the addition of PHB and BG, resulting in an increased stress and a decreased strain at rupture compared to the pure NR and NR-PHB mats. DMA analysis revealed two well-defined regions, above and below the glass transition temperature (Tg), for the storage modulus (E') of the NR-PHB/BG specimens. The values of E' were in both regions for NR-PHB/BG specimens increased at higher BG content. The measured tanδ = E″/E' was used to determine the Tg value for all specimens, with Tg found to be in the −49 to −46°C range. Finally, NR-PHB/BG biocomposite fibrous were proven noncytotoxic by in-vitro testing on fibroblasts. These biocomposites enhanced cell growth, holding great promise for tissue engineering applications.

45S5 bioglass, biocomposite fibrous mat, biomedical applications, natural rubber, polyhydroxybutyrate, solution blow spinning

Silva M.J. - other affiliation
Dias Y.J. - other affiliation
Zaszczyńska A. - IPPT PAN
Rojas Robles J. - other affiliation
Abiade J. - other affiliation
Kowalczyk T. - IPPT PAN
Kołbuk-Konieczny D. - IPPT PAN
Sajkiewicz P. - IPPT PAN
Yarin A.L. - Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (IL)
3.  Haghighat Bayan M.A., Dias Yasmin J., Rinoldi C., Nakielski P., Rybak D., Truong Yen B., Yarin A., Pierini F., Near-infrared light activated core-shell electrospun nanofibers decorated with photoactive plasmonic nanoparticles for on-demand smart drug delivery applications, Journal of Polymer Science, ISSN: 2642-4169, DOI: 10.1002/pol.20220747, Vol.61, No.7, pp.521-533, 2023

Over the last few years, traditional drug delivery systems (DDSs) have been transformed into smart DDSs. Recent advancements in biomedical nanotech-nology resulted in introducing stimuli-responsiveness to drug vehicles. Nano-
platforms can enhance drug release efficacy while reducing the side effects of drugs by taking advantage of the responses to specific internal or external stim-uli. In this study, we developed an electrospun nanofibrous photo-responsive DDSs. The photo-responsivity of the platform enables on-demand elevated drug release. Furthermore, it can provide a sustained release profile and pre-vent burst release and high concentrations of drugs. A coaxial electrospinning setup paired with an electrospraying technique is used to fabricate core-shell PVA-PLGA nanofibers decorated with plasmonic nanoparticles. The fabricated
nanofibers have a hydrophilic PVA and Rhodamine-B (RhB) core, while the shell is hydrophobic PLGA decorated with gold nanorods (Au NRs). The presence of plasmonic nanoparticles enables the platform to twice the amount of drug release besides exhibiting a long-term release. Investigations into the photo-responsive release mechanism demonstrate the system's potential as a “smart” drug delivery platform.

electrospun core-shell nanofibers,NIR-light activation,on-demand drug release,plasmonic nanoparticles,stimuli-responsive nanomaterials

Haghighat Bayan M.A. - IPPT PAN
Dias Yasmin J. - other affiliation
Rinoldi C. - IPPT PAN
Nakielski P. - IPPT PAN
Rybak D. - IPPT PAN
Truong Yen B. - other affiliation
Yarin A. - Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (IL)
Pierini F. - IPPT PAN
4.  Dias Y.J., Robles J.R., Sinha-Ray S., Abiade J., Pourdeyhimi B., Niemczyk-Soczyńska B., Kołbuk D., Sajkiewicz P., Yarin A.L., Solution-blown poly(hydroxybutyrate) and ε-poly-l-lysine submicro- and microfiber-based sustainable nonwovens with antimicrobial activity for single-use applications, ACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, ISSN: 2373-9878, DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c00594, Vol.7, No.8, pp.3980-3992, 2021

Antimicrobial nonwovens for single use applications (e.g., diapers, sanitary napkins, medical gauze, etc.) are of utmost importance as the first line of defense against bacterial infections. However, the utilization of petrochemical nondegradable polymers in such nonwovens creates sustainability-related issues. Here, sustainable poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and ε-poly-l-lysine (ε-PLL) submicro- and microfiber-based antimicrobial nonwovens produced by a novel industrially scalable process, solution blowing, have been proposed. In such nonwovens, ε-PLL acts as an active material. In particular, it was found that most of ε-PLL is released within the first hour of deployment, as is desirable for the applications of interest. The submicro- and microfiber mat was tested against C. albicans and E. coli, and it was found that ε-PLL-releasing microfibers result in a significant reduction of bacterial colonies. It was also found that ε-PLL-releasing antimicrobial submicro- and microfiber nonwovens are safe for human cells in fibroblast culture. Mechanical characterization of these nonwovens revealed that, even though they are felt as soft and malleable, they possess sufficient strength, which is desirable in the end-user applications.

PHB submicro- and microfibers, antimicrobial nonwovens, ε-PLL release, E. coli, C. albicans

Dias Y.J. - other affiliation
Robles J.R. - other affiliation
Sinha-Ray S. - other affiliation
Abiade J. - other affiliation
Pourdeyhimi B. - other affiliation
Niemczyk-Soczyńska B. - IPPT PAN
Kołbuk D. - IPPT PAN
Sajkiewicz P. - IPPT PAN
Yarin A.L. - Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (IL)

Category A Plus


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