Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


A. Antolik

Conference papers
1.  Fantilli A.P., Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka D., Antolik A., Denis P., LINKING MICROSTRUCTURE ASPECTS AND MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF WOOL REINFORCED COMPOSITES, SCMT6, 6th International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 2024-06-09/06-14, Lyon (FR), DOI: 10.18552/2024/SCMT/218, No.1, pp.469-480, 2024

The necessity of tailoring more environmentally friendly materials has prompted researchers and practitioners to explore new and more sustainable components for cement-based mixtures. Some of these materials are in their natural state and they can also be used to improve the mechanical performances of cementitious composites. Sheep wool, which is nowadays considered a special waste, can substitute some polymeric fibres to increase the fracture toughness. However, in alkaline environment, wool fibres tend to degrade within a few days after casting, so fibres can lose the reinforcement function of concrete and mortars due to long term durability issues. A series of tests have been performed with the aim of examining the microstructure and measuring the mechanical properties of wool-reinforced pastes made with various types of cement. By linking the results of microstructural analyses with those of the mechanical tests, it is possible to argue that the lower the pH of the paste the larger the efficiency of wool fibres.

wool-reinforced paste, microstructure analyses, residual strength, degradation, sustainability, eco-friendly material

Fantilli A.P. - Politecnico di Torino (IT)
Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka D. - IPPT PAN
Antolik A. - other affiliation
Denis P. - IPPT PAN

Category A Plus


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