Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


A. Berman

Recent publications
1.  Wszola M., Idaszek J., Berman A., Kosik-Kozioł A, Gorski L., Jozwik A., Dobrzyn A., Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska A., Kaminski A., Wrzesien R., Serwanska-Swietek M., Chmura A., Kwiatkowski A., Święszkowski W., Bionic Pancreas and Bionic Organs – how far we are from the success, Medtube Science, ISSN: 2353-5695, Vol.3, No.3, pp.25-27, 2015

The progress in the treatment of chronic diseases of civilization that occurred in recent years, led to a significant prolongation of median survival time of the developed countries societies. Organ transplantation has revolutionized medicine as it became possible to replace an irreversibly diseased organ. However, at the moment we can observe a significant shortage of organs for transplantation, which forces doctors to accept those coming from more and more expanding criteria donors. No doubt, the number of donors, at best, will certainly not grow. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine methods are extremely promising, in particular bioprinting of tissues and organs, which begun to develop at the beginning of the XXI century. Article highlights possible future direction of organ transplantation.

Wszola M. - other affiliation
Idaszek J. - other affiliation
Berman A. - other affiliation
Kosik-Kozioł A - other affiliation
Gorski L. - other affiliation
Jozwik A. - other affiliation
Dobrzyn A. - other affiliation
Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska A. - other affiliation
Kaminski A. - other affiliation
Wrzesien R. - other affiliation
Serwanska-Swietek M. - other affiliation
Chmura A. - other affiliation
Kwiatkowski A. - Military Institute of Medicine (PL)
Święszkowski W. - other affiliation

Category A Plus


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