Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Chaouqi Misbah


Recent publications
1.  Farutin A., Piasecki T., Słowicka A.M., Misbah C., Wajnryb E., Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Dynamics of flexible fibers and vesicles in Poiseuille flow at low Reynolds number, SOFT MATTER, ISSN: 1744-683X, DOI: 10.1039/c6sm00819d, Vol.12, pp.7307-7323, 2016

The dynamics of flexible fibers and vesicles in unbounded planar Poiseuille flow at low Reynolds number is shown to exhibit similar basic features, when their equilibrium (moderate) aspect ratio is the same and vesicle viscosity contrast is relatively high. Tumbling, lateral migration, accumulation and shape evolution of these two types of flexible objects are analyzed numerically. The linear dependence of the accumulation position on relative bending rigidity, and other universal scalings are derived from the local shear flow approximation.

Poiseuille flow, Stokes equations, vesicles, flexible fibers

Farutin A. - Université Grenoble Alpes (FR)
Piasecki T. - IPPT PAN
Słowicka A.M. - IPPT PAN
Misbah C. - CNRS (FR)
Wajnryb E. - IPPT PAN
Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L. - IPPT PAN

Conference abstracts
1.  Farutin A., Piasecki T., Słowicka A.M., Misbah C., Wajnryb E., Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Accumulation of vesicles and flexible fibers in unbounded Poiseuille flow, FLOWING MATTER 2017, 2017-01-23/01-27, Porto (PT), pp.37, 2017
2.  Farutin A., Piasecki T., Słowicka A.M., Misbah C., Wajnryb E., Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Migration of vesicles and flexible fibers in poiseuille flow, ICTAM XXIV, 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2016-08-21/08-26, Montréal (CA), pp.1344-1345, 2016

Dynamics of flexible fibers and vesicles in unbounded planar Poiseuille flow at the low-Reynolds-number are shown to exhibit similar basic features, when their equilibrium (moderate) aspect ratio is the same and vesicle viscosity contrast is relatively high. The lateral migration and accumulation of these two types of flexible objects are analyzed numerically.

Stokes equations, vesicles, flexible fibers

Farutin A. - Université Grenoble Alpes (FR)
Piasecki T. - IPPT PAN
Słowicka A.M. - IPPT PAN
Misbah C. - CNRS (FR)
Wajnryb E. - IPPT PAN
Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L. - IPPT PAN

Category A Plus


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