Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


J. Scheibert

Université de Lyon (FR)

Recent publications
1.  Lengiewicz J., Souza M., Lahmar M.A., Courbon C., Dalmas D., Stupkiewicz S., Scheibert J., Finite deformations govern the anisotropic shear-induced area reduction of soft elastic contacts, JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS, ISSN: 0022-5096, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2020.104056, Vol.143, pp.104056-1-19, 2020

Solid contacts involving soft materials are important in mechanical engineering or biomechanics. Experimentally, such contacts have been shown to shrink significantly under shear, an effect which is usually explained using adhesion models. Here we show that quantitative agreement with recent high-load experiments can be obtained, with no adjustable parameter, using a non-adhesive model, provided that finite deformations are taken into account. Analysis of the model uncovers the basic mechanisms underlying anisotropic shear-induced area reduction, local contact lifting being the dominant one. We confirm experimentally the relevance of all those mechanisms, by tracking the shear-induced evolution of tracers inserted close to the surface of a smooth elastomer sphere in contact with a smooth glass plate. Our results suggest that finite deformations are an alternative to adhesion, when interpreting a variety of sheared contact experiments involving soft materials.

contact mechanics, friction, contact area, elastomer, full-field measurement

Lengiewicz J. - IPPT PAN
Souza M. - other affiliation
Lahmar M.A. - other affiliation
Courbon C. - other affiliation
Dalmas D. - other affiliation
Stupkiewicz S. - IPPT PAN
Scheibert J. - Université de Lyon (FR)
2.  Vakis A.I., Yastrebov V.A., Scheibert J., Nicola L., Dini D., Minfray C., Almqvist A., Paggi M., Lee S., Limbert G., Molinari J.F., Anciaux G., Aghababaei R., Echeverri Restrepo S., Papangelo A., Cammarata A., Nicolini P., Putignano C., Carbone G., Stupkiewicz S., Lengiewicz J., Costagliola G., Bosia F., Guarino R., Pugno N.M., Müser M.H., Ciavarella M., Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales: An overview, TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, ISSN: 0301-679X, DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2018.02.005, Vol.125, pp.169-199, 2018

This review summarizes recent advances in the area of tribology based on the outcome of a Lorentz Center workshop surveying various physical, chemical and mechanical phenomena across scales. Among the main themes discussed were those of rough surface representations, the breakdown of continuum theories at the nano- and microscales, as well as multiscale and multiphysics aspects for analytical and computational models relevant to applications spanning a variety of sectors, from automotive to biotribology and nanotechnology. Significant effort is still required to account for complementary nonlinear effects of plasticity, adhesion, friction, wear, lubrication and surface chemistry in tribological models. For each topic, we propose some research directions.

Tribology, Multiscale modeling, Multiphysics modeling, Roughness, Contact, Friction, Adhesion, Wear, Lubrication, Tribochemistry

Vakis A.I. - University of Groningen (NL)
Yastrebov V.A. - PSL Research University (FR)
Scheibert J. - Université de Lyon (FR)
Nicola L. - Delft University of Technology (NL)
Dini D. - Imperial College London (GB)
Minfray C. - Université de Lyon (FR)
Almqvist A. - Luleå University of Technology (SE)
Paggi M. - IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (IT)
Lee S. - Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Limbert G. - University of Southampton (GB)
Molinari J.F. - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (CH)
Anciaux G. - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (CH)
Aghababaei R. - Aarhus University (DK)
Echeverri Restrepo S. - SKF Engineering & Research Centre (NL)
Papangelo A. - Hamburg University of Technology (DE)
Cammarata A. - Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)
Nicolini P. - Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)
Putignano C. - Politecnico di Bari (IT)
Carbone G. - Politecnico di Bari (IT)
Stupkiewicz S. - IPPT PAN
Lengiewicz J. - IPPT PAN
Costagliola G. - University of Torino (IT)
Bosia F. - University of Torino (IT)
Guarino R. - University of Trento (IT)
Pugno N.M. - University of Trento (IT)
Müser M.H. - Saarland University (DE)
Ciavarella M. - Politecnico di Bari (IT)

Category A Plus


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