Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


M. Bator

Warsaw University of Life Sciences (PL)

Recent publications
1.  Zawidzki M., Bator M., Application of Evolutionary Algorithm for Optimization of the Sequence of Initial Conditions for the Cellular Automaton-Based Shading, Journal of Cellular Automata, ISSN: 1557-5969, Vol.7, pp.363-384, 2013

This paper presents an application of evolutionary algorithm (EA) for multi-objective optimization of the sequence of initial conditions (SIC) for a cellular automaton (CA) used for a potential implementation in the field of architecture. In the proposed application, a modular shading system for building facade is driven by a two color, one dimensional, range 2 CA rule {3818817080,2,2}. The SIC optimization criteria are: visual attractiveness, gradual and intuitive transition from one density level to another and even distribution of the pattern over the entire array. The ideal solutions for 10 square arrays of 7×7, 8×8,..., 16×16 cells are found by an exhaustive search method – the backtracking. The encoding of SICs using the order-based representation is introduced. A cost function evaluating both monotonicity of the average density transition, and the distribution of shading pattern is introduced. For a 100×100 cell array EA is implemented with three setups: without crossover but with intensive mutation, with crossover and without mutation, and with both crossover and mutation. Two types of crossover operations are used: uniform (UX) and one-point (OPX). A number of experiments with various combinations of parameters were performed. The results are compared and the recommended strategy is briefly discussed. The best result was produced by EA with OPX and mutation rate 0.4.

Modular shading system, initial conditions, multi-objective optimization, discrete optimization, backtracking, order-based representation, evolutionary algorithm

Zawidzki M. - other affiliation
Bator M. - Warsaw University of Life Sciences (PL)
2.  Bator M., Chmielewski L.J., Finding regions of interest for cancerous masses enhanced by elimination of linear structures and considerations on detection correctness measures in mammography, PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, ISSN: 1433-7541, Vol.12, pp.377-390, 2009
3.  Bator M., Nieniewski M., Template matching by means of correlation coefficient for detecting cancerous masses in mammograms, Machine Graphics and Vision, ISSN: 1230-0535, Vol.16, pp.329-345, 2007

List of chapters in recent monographs
Bator M., Chmielewski L.J., Computer recognition systems 2, Soft computing, rozdział: Elimination of linear structures as an attempt to improve the specificity of cancerous mass detection in mammograms, Springer, Kurzynski M., Puchala E., Wozniak M., Zolnierek A. (Eds.), 45, pp.596-603, 2007
Bator M., Nieniewski M., Ustymowicz M., Inteligentne wydobywanie informacji w celach diagnostycznych, rozdział: Doświadczenia z detekcją mikrozwapnień oraz mas nowotworowych w mammogramach, Pomorskie Wydawnictwo Naukowo-Techniczne WNT, Gdańsk, Kowalczuk Z., Wiszniewski B. (Eds.), pp.305-322, 2007

Category A Plus


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