Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Steffen Oswald

Institute for Complex Materials (DE)

Recent publications
1.  Kúdela Jr S., Iždinský K., Oswald S., Ranachowski P., Ranachowski Z., Kúdela S., Decomposition of silica binder during infiltration of Saffil fiber preform with Mg and Mg-Li melts, KOVOVE MATERIALY-METALLIC MATERIALS, ISSN: 0023-432X, Vol.52, No.4, pp.183-188, 2014

Mg and Mg-Li matrix composites were prepared by the melt infiltration of fibrous preform consisting of Saffil alumina fibers and the silica binder. During this process there has occurred decomposition of silica binder and/or surface silica film by displacement redox reactions and the reaction products were characterized using SEM, TEM, SAED, FTIR and XPS techniques. The only reaction products found in Mg infiltrated Saffil preform were MgO and Mg2Si. In Mg-Li melt infiltrated Saffil preform there was found besides MgO and Mg 2 Si also the non- crystalline phase that appears to be the lithium silicate xLi2O ySiO2. Binary lithium silicides and ternary magnesium-lithium silicides were not detected

Mg-Li composites, Saffil fibers, silica binder, melt infiltration, XPS, FTI

Kúdela Jr S. - Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK)
Iždinský K. - Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK)
Oswald S. - Institute for Complex Materials (DE)
Ranachowski P. - IPPT PAN
Ranachowski Z. - IPPT PAN
Kúdela S. - Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK)

Category A Plus


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