Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Hu Xiaojun

Recent publications
1.  Birhanu Bayissa G., Teshome Tufa L., Nwaji Njemuwa N., Xiaojun H., Lee J., Advances in All‑Solid‑State Lithium–Sulfur Batteries for Commercialization, Nano-Micro Letters, ISSN: 2150-5551, DOI: 10.1007/s40820-024-01385-6, Vol.16, pp.2-38, 2024

Solid-state batteries are commonly acknowledged as the forthcoming evolution
in energy storage technologies. Recent development progress for these rechargeable
batteries has notably accelerated their trajectory toward achieving commercial
feasibility. In particular, all-solid-state lithium–sulfur batteries (ASSLSBs) that rely
on lithium–sulfur reversible redox processes exhibit immense potential as an energy
storage system, surpassing conventional lithium-ion batteries. This can be attributed
predominantly to their exceptional energy density, extended operational lifespan, and
heightened safety attributes. Despite these advantages, the adoption of ASSLSBs in the
commercial sector has been sluggish. To expedite research and development in this particular
area, this article provides a thorough review of the current state of ASSLSBs. We
delve into an in-depth analysis of the rationale behind transitioning to ASSLSBs, explore
the fundamental scientific principles involved, and provide a comprehensive evaluation
of the main challenges faced by ASSLSBs. We suggest that future research in this field
should prioritize plummeting the presence of inactive substances, adopting electrodes with optimum performance, minimizing interfacial
resistance, and designing a scalable fabrication approach to facilitate the commercialization of ASSLSBs

Birhanu Bayissa G. - other affiliation
Teshome Tufa L. - other affiliation
Nwaji Njemuwa N. - IPPT PAN
Xiaojun H. - other affiliation
Lee J. - Lexington High School (US)

Category A Plus


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