Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki
Polskiej Akademii Nauk


K. Kowiorski

Ostatnie publikacje
1.  Nosewicz S., Jenczyk P., Romelczyk-Baishya B., Bazarnik P., Jarząbek D.M., Majchrowicz K., Pakieła Z., Kowiorski K., Chmielewski M., The influence of spark plasma sintering on multiscale mechanical properties of nickel-based composite materials, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0921-5093, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2023.146001, Vol.891, pp.146001- , 2024

The paper presents a comprehensive investigation of the influence of the main process parameters of spark plasma sintering on the mechanical and microstructural properties of nickel-silicon carbide composites at various scales. Microstructure analysis performed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed a significant interfacial reaction between nickel and silicon carbide due to the decomposition of silicon carbide. The chemical interaction of the matrix and reinforcement results in the formation of a multicomponent interphase zone formed by silicides (Ni31Si12 or/and Ni3Si) and graphite precipitates. Furthermore, several types of structure defects were observed (mainly nano/micropores at the phase boundaries). These significantly influenced the mechanical response of nickel-silicon carbide composites at different levels. At the macroscopic scale, uniaxial tensile tests confirmed that applying a 1000 oC sintering temperature ensured that the manufactured composite was characterised by satisfactory tensile strength, however, with a considerable reduction of material elongation compared to pure nickel. Moreover, the fractography study allowed us to identify a significant difference in the damage mode for certain nickel-silicon carbide samples. Secondly, the interface of the nickel matrix and silicate interphase was tested by bending with microcantilevers to evaluate its deformation behaviour, strength, and fracture characteristics. It was confirmed that a diffusive kind of interface, such as Ni-NiSi, demonstrates unexpected bonding properties with a relatively large range of plastic deformation. Finally, the nanoindentation of three main components of the nickel-silicon carbide composite was executed to evaluate the evolution of nanohardness, Young’s modulus, and elastic recovery due to the application of various spark plasma sintering conditions.

Słowa kluczowe:
nickel-based composite,silicon carbide,spark plasma sintering,multiscale characterization,mechanical properties,nanoindentation,bending of microcantilevers

Afiliacje autorów:
Nosewicz S. - IPPT PAN
Jenczyk P. - IPPT PAN
Romelczyk-Baishya B. - Politechnika Warszawska (PL)
Bazarnik P. - Politechnika Warszawska (PL)
Jarząbek D.M. - IPPT PAN
Majchrowicz K. - inna afiliacja
Pakieła Z. - Politechnika Warszawska (PL)
Kowiorski K. - inna afiliacja
Chmielewski M. - Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (PL)

Abstrakty konferencyjne
1.  Nosewicz S., Jenczyk P., Jarząbek D., Strojny-Nędza A., Kaszyca K., Kowiorski K., Bazarnik P., Pakieła Z., Romelczyk Baishya B., Chmielewski M., Multiscale investigation of microstructural and mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered Ni-SiC composites, AMT'2023, Advanced Materials and Technologies Conference, 2023-06-18/06-21, Wisła (PL), pp.1, 2023

In the case of the sintering of composite materials exhibiting mutual solubility, intermediate phases with varying concentrations of elements may appear during the densification process. Microstructural and structural changes, especially in the area of the interface, strongly influence mechanical or thermal properties [1]. A good example of such materials is nickel – silicon carbide composites. At elevated temperatures nickel reacts with silicon carbide, which causes total SiC decomposition, and as a result, new Ni-Si phases are formed and free carbon is precipitated within the reaction zone. In this work, nickel-silicon carbide composites were obtained via the Spark Plasma Sintering method. The detailed microstructural analyses using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy revealed the material’s evolution during sintering. To investigate the correlation between microstructure and properties of obtained materials, the mechanical test at three different length scales (in macro-, micro- and nanoscale) was conducted. To evaluate the strength of Ni-SiC composites at a macroscopic scale the uniaxial tensile and compression tests were employed. The sample deformation and failure mechanism for different stages of sintering were analyzed. The strength of the nickel-silicon carbide interface was determined by bending tests of micro-cantilever beams. Nanoindentation was used to evaluate the hardness of each composite component. The conducted research revealed a strong relation between mechanical strength and sintering conditions.

Afiliacje autorów:
Nosewicz S. - IPPT PAN
Jenczyk P. - IPPT PAN
Jarząbek D. - IPPT PAN
Strojny-Nędza A. - Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (PL)
Kaszyca K. - Lukasiewicz Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics (PL)
Kowiorski K. - inna afiliacja
Bazarnik P. - Politechnika Warszawska (PL)
Pakieła Z. - Politechnika Warszawska (PL)
Romelczyk Baishya B. - inna afiliacja
Chmielewski M. - Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (PL)

Kategoria A Plus


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