Since 1953

With 72 years of experience, we share our commitment and passion in providing the highest standards of scientific research. We create international scientific projects, educate doctoral students, contribute to the development of science and support initiatives in technology transfer. We take pride in standing among the leading scientific centers in Europe.


News New project at IPPT PAN

New project at IPPT PAN

Dorota Kołbuk-Konieczny, PhD, DSc from the Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials IPPT PAN has become the coordinator and leader of the M-ERA.NET Call 2024.

News New patent at IPPT PAN

New patent at IPPT PAN

We are pleased to announce that the Polish Patent Office has granted patent protection for the invention titled: Magnetorheological fluid based on metal oxides and the method of its preparation



The IPPT PAN is participating in the international project SMILE CITY (“Sustainable Materials for Innovative, Low Emissions Applications in the Circular City”), funded under the Horizon Europe program.

News From Warsaw to Berlin: a Journey in Sustainable Materials Research

From Warsaw to Berlin: a Journey in Sustainable Materials Research

Dr. Shahrooz Zargarian has been awarded the Bekker NAWA scholarship to conduct his research at Humboldt University in Berlin

News New Patent

New Patent

We are pleased to announce that the Polish Patent Office has granted patent protection for the invention titled “Set of Substrates with Variable Hardness” (P.436749, Pat.246059). Its creators are Filip Bąk and Dr. Magdalena Osial and PhD, DSc...

News Project coordination in Horizon Europe

Project coordination in Horizon Europe

IPPT PAN began coordinating the prestigious widerAdvance Facility project. The project is funded by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme and brings together 17 partners from the European Union, Associated Countries and Outermost Regions.

News Archive

Upcoming Seminars

2025-03-17, 11:00, Dr Jakub Tabin, Can Instability of Plastic Flow Offer Benefits? (From Macroscopic Testing to Microstructural Analysis of Austenitic Stainless Steels Across a Wide Temperature Range (4K, 77K, RT))
2025-03-18, 12:00, Dr. Jagoda Litowczenko-Cybulska, Development of Tissue-Engineered Cell-Laden Vascular Grafts
2025-03-18, 12:00, mgr Maksymilian Kulicki, Ekstrakcja indywidualnych atrybutów drzew przy użyciu danych teledetekcyjnych bliskiego zasięgu

Latest Publications

pdf 9379 Faraj R., Popławski B., Gabryel D., Mikułowski G., Wiszowaty R., On optimization of an adaptive pneumatic impact absorber – the innovative rescue cushion, BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES, pp. 1-12, 2025

pdf 9378 Streltsov A., Multipartite entanglement theory with entanglement-nonincreasing operations, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol. 71, No. 1841, pp. 1841 -1850, 2025

Latest Patent

246587, Magnetorheological fluid based on metal oxides and method of its preparation, Osial M., Abramowicz M., Urbańska W., Warczak M., Pręgowska A., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Chemii Fizycznej PAN, IPPT PAN

Category A Plus


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