Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


The IPPT PAN community stands united in its solidarity with the Ukrainian nation that is currently struggling with war against the authoritarian aggression from Russia, which has violated the territorial integrity of a fully democratic European country.

The whole Polish scientific community stands with Ukraine in this moment of agony, condemning the Russian unprovoked and premeditated war against our neighboring country.


Працiвники IPPT PAN виражають цiлковиту солiдарнiсть з Українським народом, який потерпає вiд вiйни. Керована авторитарним режимом Росiйська Федерацiя, нехтуючи всiма мiжнародними умовами, варварським чином порушила iнтегральну цiлiснiсть України. Росiя вбиває мирне населення, дiтей, порушує iнфраструктуру країни. Разом з науковим i академiчним середовищем Польщi виражаємо свiй рiшучий супротив. Україна була, є  i буде незалежною, суверенною державою!


stand with Ukraine


IPPT PAN is offering help to scientists and students from Ukraine. Below you will find available options of cooperation.

On behalf of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, please be informed that within the framework of cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) we introduce a new tool supporting cooperation with the Ukrainian researchers:

General conditions:

a) expenses related to travel and stay of the Ukrainian scientists in the units of the PAS will be covered by the PAS;

b) duration of the stay in the units of the PAS up to 3 months with possibility of extension, if necessary.

Who can apply:

To apply for funding the units of the PAS submit an application to the International Relation Department of the PAS. The call is ongoing until further notice.

The Ukrainian researchers who do not have scientific partners in the units of the PAS may contact: International Relations Office of the PAS, e-mail: or the acting director of the PAS representation center in Kiyv: Mateusz Białas, e-mail: .

Financial conditions:

a) living expenses - 5000 PLN monthly,

b) travel costs from Ukraine to Poland - up to 1500 PLN.

Offer valid until the end of 2022


More about the institute:

The most important fields of the Institute's expertise include advanced problems in modern mechanics, materials science, electronics and biomedical engineering, information and computational science. Extensive research is conducted in areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology, multicomponent and multifunctional materials, micro-, nano- and biomaterials, computational mechanics, computational materials science, computational intelligence, computational biology, bioinformatics, bioengineering, ultrasonic medical diagnostics and smart technologies. Advanced research is also conducted in several branches of fundamental science and technology, such as: physics and thermodynamics of continua; fluid mechanics; laser beam interaction with metal surfaces, nanophotonics, applied mathematics and informatics.

Category A Plus


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