Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences



News New Patent

New Patent

We are pleased to announce that protection has been granted for the invention titled " Modular system for creating rigid pipe structure of any shape " The creator of this invention is Dr. Eng. Maciej Zawidzki

News ERC Proof of Concept

ERC Proof of Concept

We are proud to announce that the team led by prof. Piotr Korczyk will participate in a prestigious ERC Proof of Concept grant, in collaboration with prof. Paweł Świętach from Oxford.

News Nomination for Full Professorship

Nomination for Full Professorship

On the 10th of June 2024, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, handed prof. Piotr Kiełczyński a nomination for full professorship.

News Damian Cacko granted the Doctor of Science Degree

Damian Cacko granted the Doctor of Science Degree

According to the resolution of the Scientific Council of IPPT PAN, Damian Cacko was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science in the field of Engineering and Technical Sciences in the discipline of Information Technology and Telecommunications.

News Robotic Mobile System

Robotic Mobile System

Janusz Będkowski (PhD, DSc), Department of Intelligent Technologies IPPT PAN, is conducting innovative research using robotic mobile 3D scanning systems.

News Web of Science

Web of Science

Engineering Transactions has been approved and included in Web of Science's Emerging Sources Citation Index!

News Archive

Category A Plus


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