Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


National Science Centre (NCN) has approved and subsidized two new projects from IPPT PAN. Project coordinators: Szymon Nosewicz (OPUS) and Kamil Opiela (PRELUDIUM)

Institute's Directors would like to thank you for activities undertaken this year and wish further successes in the incoming Year 2021

We would like to express our gratitude for your service to the engineering science, and your invaluable contribution to the IPPT PAN community

We would like to thank you for Your significant and invaluable contribution to the institute’s life and its organization and to the whole polish mechanics

The Institute will receive funding for the implementation of new projects. The projects will be financed as part of two competitions: M-ERA.NET and LIDER.

24. Science Festival started on 21 September 2020 at IPPT PAN. This year, organizing the event was difficult due to the ongoing pandemic, but we managed to prepare various presentations, nonetheless. Above all, our employees did not want to fall short of the Varsovians’ expectations and organized a series of festival activities.

IPPT PAN has announced the winners of 2019 Director's Awards, which have been presented to IPPT PAN scientific employees. The laureates received 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree awards in three categories: Scientific Achievements, Didactic Achievements and Operational Achievements.

On 1 September 2020, Professor Michał Kleiber received nomination for the position of President of the Polish National Commission for UNESCO. The nomination was handed by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Professor Zbigniew Rau.

National Science Centre (NCN) has approved and subsidized six new projects from IPPT PAN. Project coordinators: Prof. Jerzy Litniewski, Prof. Jerzy Rojek, Prof. Zbigniew L. Kowalewski, Prof. Tomasz Lipniacki, Witold Węglewski, PhD and Olga Cegielska, MSc.

We cordially invite you to take part the IPPT PAN popularization Contest for the Best Popular Science Article. The aim of the contest is to award best contestants or teams of contestants who will write the most interesting popular science article.

Category A Plus


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