The IPPT PAN Summer Doctoral School took place on 27-29 September 2019. The School was run in a hybrid mode. It has been the third summer school for doctoral students, carried out as part of the project called Rozwój i wykorzystanie metod bioinżynieryjnych i informatycznych w prewencji, diagnostyce i terapii chorób cywilizacyjnych - kompleksowy rozwój kompetencji zawodowych młodej kadry naukowej Och!DOK. From the part of IPPT PAN, person responsible for the organization of classes was prof. P. Sajkiewicz.
For this project, the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research formed a consortium with two other institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences:
- Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (IBIB PAN) – project leader
- Mossakowski Medical Research Center (IMDiK PAN)
The project was carried out as part of the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme for the years 2014-2020, co-financed from the European Social Fund.
The main objectives of the KED OP project were to increase the quality and enhance the effectiveness of doctoral study education. Thanks to the cooperation of partnered institutions (IBIB, IMDK, IPPT), doctoral students were not only given the opportunity to develop skills and gain knowledge from various disciplines of science, but they were also given the opportunity to perform a thoroughly cross-discipline and in-depth research.
These kinds of doctoral studies create a unique opportunity to combine various scientific disciplines: biological medicine, life science medicine, and 5 other technological science disciplines: biocybernetics, biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics, informatics and materials engineering.
The following actions ensured achieving the goals:
- Creating joint interdisciplinary didactic offer for the participants of doctoral studies, including joint doctoral conferment degree procedure (in accordance with the Act on Science Degrees and Titles and Degrees and Titles in Arts – Polish Journal of Laws (Dziennik Ustaw) of 2014, Item no. 1852).
- engaging doctoral students in advanced research to design new bioengineering and informatics methods in the diagnostics and treatment of the diseases of civilization.
- Enhancing the effectiveness of educating academic staff and supporting the scientific and research activities of doctoral students through their participation in various conferences and workshops; creating an additional scholarship program specially designed for the participants of interdisciplinary doctoral studies.
- Stimulating the development of social and managerial competences through the activities undertaken by doctoral students during 3 summer schools (seminars and workshops).
The main beneficiary was the Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences. The project was co-financed by the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2021 Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme with a total sum of 6 052 291,00 PLN.
The interdisciplinary doctoral studies cover the following research areas:
- Analysis of biological mechanisms at the molecular level
- Pathomechanisms and diagnostics of diseases of civilization and neurodegenerative diseases
- Ultrasound diagnostics
- Biomedical therapeutic strategies
- Regenerative therapies/Quality of life enhancement
From the part of IPPT PAN, the project was coordinated by prof. Tomasz Szolc, Head of the IPPT PAN Doctoral School.