Grzegorz Mikułowski (PhD, DSc) from the Department of Intelligent Technologies IPPT PAN has been awarded the title of habilitated doctor in the field of mechanical engineering. As a scientific achievement, he presented a series of seven monothematic publications, released between 2013-2021, titled “ Reduction of mechanical vibration using semiactive adaptation techniques of structural stiffness in selected discrete and continuous systems”.
Dr Mikulowski’s primary research aim, and the focus of his scientific achievement, was to develop effective methods for reducing mechanical vibrations in engineering structures through semiactive stiffness control. His work encompassed a broad scope, including the mathematical modeling of nonlinear mechanical systems with semiactive elements, the design of dedicated control algorithms, and the development of control systems and technical solutions for semiactive devices that enable stiffness modification.
The research topic – vibration reduction in engineering structures – is widely discussed in technical sciences and extensively covered in specialized literature. However, the continuous search for innovative solutions is strongly driven by the need for optimal use of construction materials, higher demands for structural durability, and the simultaneous increase in performance parameters and safety standards.
Dr. Mikulowski’s approach involved introducing slight but systematic modifications in system stiffness as a method to reduce their internal energy before the onset of mechanical vibrations. His research also carefully considered the impact of these stiffness modifications on the load-bearing capacity, ensuring that it would not be compromised.
The research topics covered two original and innovative methods of vibration control:
- In the area of vibration isolation: an innovative strategy for damping forced and free vibrations using pneumatic systems of variable stiffness;
- In the area of vibration absorption: a method for reducing vibrations by controlling internal energy levels through the application of semiactive nodes in frame structures.
The developed methods are designed for vibration control and damping in applications such as vibration-isolation systems, vehicle suspensions, or slender space-frame structures.
Grzegorz Mikułowski (PhD, DSc) has been with IPPT PAN since 2002, initially as a doctoral candidate and later as an assistant professor and senior researcher. His research interests focus on developing adaptation control methods, particularly in the areas of mechanical vibration control, semiactive modifications of modal forms in mechanical structures, and the control of impact energy diffusion processes.
His research and development efforts focus on designing innovative control methods for adaptation systems in construction mechanics, solving problems related to the numerical modeling of nonlinear mechanical systems, and developing experimental methods for studying adaptation in mechanical systems.
Dr. Mikułowski authored a series of patents related to the developments of semiactive control systems, as well as over thirty international publications focused on innovative control systems in construction mechanics.
In the field of numerical modeling, Dr. Mikułowski has extensive experience in the thermodynamic modeling of mechanical systems, the mechanics of multi-degree-of-freedom systems, and the mechanics of functional materials, including piezoelectric ceramics and magnetorheological fluids.
In his experimental work, Dr. Mikułowski conducts research and development programs in vibration control, impact energy diffusion, experimental modal analysis, and optical methods for measuring displacement fields. These methods are used for contactless analysis of deformation patterns, and vibrographic analysis of complex vibration systems.
Dr. Mikułowski also has experience in researching and analyzing vibration in commercial flying devices, helicopters and gyroplanes. He has conducted modal analyses under manufacturing conditions as well as resonance imaging research on helicopters in operational conditions.
Dr. Mikułowski’s experience results from numerous scientific collaborations both in Poland and abroad. He has conducted research and development in Germany (AIRBUS, I-deal Technologies), France (CEDRAT Technologies), and with institutions such as the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery (IMP PAN), Łukasiewicz Institute of Aviation (ILOT), Air Force Institute of Technology (ITWL), Rzeszów University of Technology, and businesses like KGHM S.A.