Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


On the 10th of June 2024, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, handed prof. Piotr Kiełczyński a nomination for full professorship.

prof. Kiełczyński

Prof. Piotr Kiełczyński, PhD, DSc is a graduate of the Faculty of Electronics at the Warsaw University of Technology, specializing in Radio Engineering. He completed his PhD studies at IPPT PAN, defending his doctoral thesis entitled "Propagation of Transverse Surface Waves in Elastic Media with Variable Physical Properties," under the supervision of Prof. Wincenty Pajewski.

He then worked at the Institute of Electron Technology in Warsaw, where he was involved in computer modeling of technological processes for fabricating VLSI integrated circuits. Since 1986, Prof. Kiełczyński has been working at IPPT PAN in Warsaw.

In 1990, he spent 6 months as a researcher at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Lyngby (Copenhagen). In 1995, he spent 3 months as a researcher at Concordia University's Department of Physics in Montreal, Canada, with Prof. David Cheekee. In 1999, he was awarded a prestigious scholarship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and subsequently worked for 9 months as a Visiting Scholar at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) in the Laboratory of Prof. Mitsumasa Iwamoto in the Department of Physical Electronics.

In 2000, he defended his habilitation thesis entitled "Acoustic Field of Ultrasonic Transducers and Systems with Non-uniform Vibration Amplitude Distribution on the Surface" at IPPT PAN.

From 2004, he led the Acoustoelectronics Laboratory at the Department of Physical Acoustics, and from 2011, he headed the Acoustoelectronics Research Team (ZBA) at Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures. In 2010, he spent one month as a researcher at Shizuoka University in Hamamatsu, Japan, with Prof. Jun Kondoh. In 2017, he was invited to present a paper as a Plenary Lecturer at the 12th TOIN International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering at TOIN University of Yokohama, Japan.

Between 2014 and 2017, Prof. Kiełczyński developed a new parametric-piezoelectric theory of active processes in the cochlea of the human inner ear, introducing the concept of an electromechanical transistor.

After habilitation, his main research topics have focused on ultrasonic sensors for physical quantities, such as the viscosity and density of liquids. He developed original analytical formulas for the sensitivity of Love waves to mass loading and for Newtonian and viscoelastic liquids. Prof. Kiełczyński collaborates with the Institute of Biotechnology of the Agricultural and Food Industry in Warsaw, leading to the discovery of high-pressure phase transformations in vegetable oils.

Prof. Kiełczyński regularly presents his research results at numerous international conferences, including the prestigious International Ultrasonic Symposium (IUS) organized by IEEE. In 2021, he was an Invited Speaker at the IUS Conference held in Xi’an, China, and is currently a member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) for this conference.

From 1994 to 1997, he was a contractor for the NATO Collaborative Research Grant project #HTECH.LG 930433. Prof. Kiełczyński was the Principal Investigator (PI) for 5 NCN research projects (OPUS) and is currently the PI for a subsequent NCN project (OPUS-20). He is also the author of 4 chapters in scientific monographs, including one published by the prestigious Wiley-Blackwell publishing house. He served as a member of the Scientific Council of IPPT PAN from 2001 to 2010 and from 2014 to 2022.

Since 2020, Prof. Kiełczyński has been working in the innovative field of ultrasonic wave propagation in elastic, layered metamaterial waveguides.

Among his recent achievements, Prof. Kiełczyński considers the discovery of a new transverse elastic ultrasonic wave of the Shear Horizontal (SH) type, which was previously deemed impossible. This newly discovered wave is an elastic analogue of an optical (electromagnetic) Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP) wave.

The development of new elastic metamaterials (and phononic crystals) opens up possibilities for applications such as new-generation ultrasonic sensors and unidirectional acoustic waves in topological media.

Prof. Kiełczyński is currently working to discover new types of acoustic surface waves, similar to classical Love waves, characterized by significant mass sensitivity.

He highly values interdisciplinary research, leveraging the relationships between various fields of science and engineering, including electromagnetism, optics, quantum mechanics, microwaves, acoustics, continuum mechanics, ultrasonics, circuit theory, and signal theory.

Category A Plus


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