Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


“Quantum theory vs black holes” – prof. Andrzej Dragan’s lecture of 12 December at IPPT PAN is now available to watch!

Professor Dragan familiarizes us with extraordinary phenomena of quantum physics, such as Hawking radiation or the Unruh effect, according to which an accelerating observer can see the particles that do not exist in the inertial frame of reference. Dragan describes basic properties of time-space continuum in the vicinity of black holes, analyses how the application of quantum mechanics influences our predictions concerning their evolution (a very slow evaporation). Also, Dragan characterizes the notion of quantum teleportation (carrying quantum information with the use of entangled states) and analyses its precision in the presence of very strong gravitational fields.





Andrzej Dragan – Polish theoretical physicist and a science enthusiast. He obtained the doctoral thesis and post-doc degrees at the University of Warsaw, Department of Physics. He also worked at the Imperial College, London, Nottingham University, and the National University of Singapore. Dragan has authored a couple of dozens articles and two books on the general relativity theory, relativistic quantum information theory, and the quantum field theory in curved spacetime. He popularizes physics through articles and public speeches. He is also well known for being a fine art photographer and a short film maker. His versatility was rewarded with dozens of awards in science, photography, film-making and music. He won the Photographer of the Year competition organized by the Digital Camera, UK, and was nominated to the Lions award at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. He created the Dragan Effect in photography, and authored arts exhibitions in Milan, London, Paris, Amsterdam, and New York.


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