Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


The long lasting cooperation with Professor Alexander Yarin has been recently extended with the NAWA program supporting international scientific partnership (More: IPPT PAN in the International Academic Partnerships program).

Alexander L. Yarin serves as a Distinguished Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago. At this University, Professor Yarin heads the Multiscale Mechanics and Nanotechnology Laboratory dedicated to the experimental and theoretical investigation of the mechanics of fluids and solids, mainly in the scale that ranges from a few millimeters to the nanometers. More: The Multiscale Mechanics and Nanotechnology Laboratory.

In July 2019 during his visit in Poland Professor Alexander Yarin participated as an invited speaker at the 6th Conference on Nano and Micromechanics (CNM2019), gave us an inspiring seminar on the bio-waste-derived nanofibers, and visited laboratories of Professors Paweł Sajkiewicz (Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials) and Tomasz Lipniacki (Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter) discussing all aspects of applications of nanofibers.

Recently he was revisited by Professor Tomasz A. Kowalewski with whom several points of existing and future scientific cooperation has been established (see presentation "Transport properties of electrospun hydrogel nanofilaments: perspective use for drug delivery and tissue repair" - pdf).

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