Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


We are delighted to share that Engineering Transaction is now part of Web of Science's Emerging Sources Citation Index!

We have recently received an official acceptance notice confirming our inclusion in Web of Science's Emerging Sources Citation Index. All articles published from Volume 70, Issue 1 in 2022 onwards will now be indexed.

Editors-in-Chief of Engineering Transactions together with the Editorial Team have been persistently pursuing this goal. The efforts for inclusion in the Web of Science were initiated by Prof. Ryszard Pęcherski, the former Editor-in-Chief, and later continued by Prof. Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska. Finally, the application submitted on Oct 12, 2022 was successfully accepted for a three-step evaluation procedure. Now, this procedure has been accomplished with a positive outcome.

Although we are thrilled by this news, we must be aware that there is still a considerable amount of work ahead of us. It is important to keep in mind that we will be evaluated in terms of impact factor (IF) in the coming years, therefore, we kindly ask that you consider our journal for your future publications.

Engineering Transactions promotes research and practice in engineering science and provides a forum for interdisciplinary publications combining Mechanics with: Material science, Mechatronics, Biomechanics and Biotechnologies, Environmental science, Photonics, Information technologies, and Other engineering applications. The journal publishes original papers covering a broad area of research activities including: Experimental and hybrid techniques and Analytical and numerical approaches.

Let us only remind you that the journal has been indexed in Scopus WWW.

Our current metrics/indicators can be found on the journal web page: WWW

Figs. Left to right: prof. Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska, Editor-in-Chief and Izabela Mika, MSc from Publishing Office


Category A Plus


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