Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


It is a pleasure to present the winners of the IPPT PAN popularizing competition. The contest was addressed to the Institute employees and doctoral students, or to anyone interested - Institute sympathizers and associates. The aim of the contest was to award best contestants or teams of contestants who will write the most interesting popular science article.

Winners of the competition:



Jakub Lengiewicz PhD and Paweł Hołobut PhD - Article "Artificial life of shape-shifters" ("Sztuczne życie zmiennokształtnych")

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” (Arthur C. Clarke). Researchers are working on a shape-shifting robotic material able to transform into any object or machine. Strong like solids and transformable like fluids, will T-1000 terminators knock on our doors soon?

More: full article



Norbert Żołek PhD, Article "Quo Vadis diagnostyko?". In Polish

Mateusz Kopeć PhD, Article "Cudo na kiju – czyli transformacja młotka z brzydkiego kaczątka w łabędzia". In Polish

Agnieszka Pręgowska PhD, Magdalena Osial PhD, Article "Sieć sieci nierówna, czyli mózg a sztuczna sieć neuronowa". In Polish

Marcin Krajewski PhD, Article "Co potrafi zdziałać pole magnetyczne podczas syntezy chemicznej nanomateriałów?". In Polish


contest poster


IPPT PAN attaches great importance to popularizing research results because the dissemination of science doubtless contributes to the social and economic development of our country. This dissemination means sharing our employees’ passion for science and passing valuable information to larger audiences in order for them to discover the fascinating world of science and foster creative thinking and acting.

More: www Popularizing Science

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