Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Rules and procedures of outbound mobility of PhD students and staff IPPT PAN


Under the Erasmus+ programme the following types of outbound mobility are eligible:

  1. a. PhD students mobility for traineeship (SMT),
  2. b. staff mobility for teaching (STA),
  3. c. staff mobility for training (STT).

Higher education institutions in Erasmus+ countries, to which outbound mobility is planned, need to have Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) valid at least in the academic year when the mobility is held.

Outbound Staff mobility for teaching to any Erasmus+ country require prior conclusion of the Inter-Institutional Agreement between IPPT PAN and the receiving institution abroad.

Recruitment of staff member and PhD students for mobility is conducted according to the call for applicants launched by the Erasmus+ committee on 17.10.2023.

Erasmus+ application for mobility shall be submitted along with mandatory supporting documents to the Erasmus+ coordinator at IPPT PAN.

Before the mobility: participants approved for mobility by the Erasmus+ committee submit the following documents:

  • travel application form
  • mobility agreement with IPPT PAN regarding staff of student mobility


  • in case of student mobility for traineeship – Learning Agreement – Student Mobility for Traineeship
  • in case of staff mobility for training – Mobility Agreement – Staff Mobility for Training
  • in case of staff mobility for teaching – Mobility Agreement – Staff Mobility for Teaching.

During the mobility in the receiving institution mobility participants are obliged to:

  • meet the mobility goals and implement the mobility agenda as set out in the relevant agreements;
  • receive a mobility certificate confirming the exact dates of mobility, implemented agenda and achieved goals, the certificate should be signed by an authorised person at the receiving institution (it is mandatory to bring the original copy).

After the mobility each returning participant:

  • delivers the mobility certificate to the Erasmus+ coordinator at the IPPT PAN,
  • fills in a mobility report in the Beneficiary Module.


Please note that if the mobility participant has received additional funding for the trip from sources other than the Erasmus+ programme (e.g. for additional days of stay not financed by the programme), they shall account for them in accordance with the usual rules in force at IPPT PAN for business trips.

Category A Plus


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