Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


The Institute cooperates with science centers from around the world. Our current partners include: Australia, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czechia, China, Egypt, Estonia, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Canada, Columbia, Korea, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Morocco, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Hungary, UK, Italy.

One of the tasks of such cooperation is initiating international scientific consortia and managing international grants, with which the Institute has intensive experience. Owing to such projects, we are able to create international research teams which cooperate on a shared subject, but what is most important, by conducting research simultaneously in several countries, we can adequately verify the results of research obtaining by IPPT PAN.

Participation in international grants also helps to share experience, in particular experience in the most effective research methods. This, in turn, leads to modernizing and/or setting up new research standards for our further ventures.

Main areas of cooperation:

  • advanced problems of modern mechanics and materials engineering,
  • new multifunctional materials, multicomponent materials, shape memory materials,
  • nanomaterials (incl. tissue engineering) and nanoflows,
  • designing new materials with the use of evolutionary algorithms (incl. graphene-like materials),
  • use of intelligent technologies in engineering,
  • systems biology, bioinformatics, neuroinformatics,
  • diagnostic medical sonography.


IPPT PAN International Networks of Excellence and European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials (KMM-VIN AISBL)

IPPT PAN has extensive experience in initiating, creating and coordinating international Networks of Excellence. So far, we have led: Centrum Doskonałości Laserowego Przetwarzania i Zaawansowanych Badań Materiałów "LAPROMAT", Centrum Doskonałości AMAS and Sieci Doskonałości KMM-NoE, whose activity has been very fruitful and productive and further contributed to the creation of the European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials (KMM-VIN AISBL). KMM-VIN was established in 2007 under the auspices of the European Commission as an international non-profit association (AISBL) based on Belgian law. It is based in Brussels and has a branch in Warsaw, Poland (IPPT PAN, Pawińskiego 5B). KMM-VIN is a self-sustaining network of universities, R&D institutes, industrial companies and private persons from across Europe, which was created to promote and facilitate cooperative research of its members, devoted to advanced structural and multifunctional materials. Currently, it is composed of 60 core and associate members from 13 countries in Europe.


Publishing research results, conferences, exhibitions of international range

The Internationalization of research conducted at IPPT PAN has led to publishing in languages other than Polish, thanks to which our research has now become available to a very wide audience. Our scientists choose to publish in the same prestigious journals as most eminent researchers from the world.

On another level of cooperation, IPPT PAN takes part in international conferences and scientific symposia, and our additional participation in exhibitions and science exchange helps to broaden the standard set of scientific skills and open up to other technological and cultural contexts.


IPPT PAN contribution to the development of pan-European science

Employees from IPPT PAN are fully involved in the works of international organizations aiming at supporting general European scientific creativity. One of the organizations in which they work is the European Academy of Sciences and Arts – EASA. The European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Latin: Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea) is a learned society of around 1,700 top scientists and artists who approach the questions facing Europe and the globe in various colloquia and publications. Among its members are 31 Nobel laureates. Not focused on financial gain, the academy is funded by the European Union, Austria, public agencies and private sponsors, while remaining ideologically and politically independent.

Category A Plus


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  +48 22 826 12 81 (central)
  +48 22 826 98 15

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