Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Michał Maj, PhD

Department of Mechanics of Materials (ZMM)
Thermoplasticity Laboratory (LT)
position: Research Specialist
Head of Laboratory
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.: 177
room: 223
ORCID: 0000-0002-3745-3674

Doctoral thesis
2007-10-04 Wpływ kierunku wstępnego odkształcenia na proces magazynowania energii w polikryształach 
supervisor -- Wiera Oliferuk, PhD, DSc, IPPT PAN

Recent publications
1.  Golasiński K., Maj M., Tasaki W., Pieczyska E.A., Kim H., Full-Field Deformation Study of Ti–25Nb, Ti–25Nb–0.3O and Ti–25Nb–0.7O Shape Memory Alloys During Tension Using Digital Image Correlation, METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, ISSN: 1073-5623, DOI: 10.1007/s11661-024-07414-8, pp.1-10, 2024

A Ti–25Nb shape memory alloy (SMA) exhibits shape memory effect associated with stress-induced martensitic transformation from β to α″ phase. Addition of oxygen stabilizes the β phase and changes stress–strain response. Oxygen-added Ti–25Nb SMAs show a more distinct superelastic behavior. In this work, digital image correlation (DIC) was applied to investigate for the first time full-field deformation of Ti–25Nb, Ti–25Nb–0.3O and Ti–25Nb–0.7O (at. pct) SMAs. The specimens were subjected to loading–unloading tensile tests to study local and global mechanical characteristics related to activity of particular deformation mechanisms of the SMAs. Strain and strain rate fields were quantitatively compared at selected stages of each SMA’s deformation. It was found that the Ti–25Nb SMA exhibits a macroscopically localized Lüders-type deformation associated with the stress-induced phase transformation, whereas Ti–25Nb–0.3O and Ti–25Nb–0.7O SMAs show more discrete types of deformation related to activity of interstitial oxygen atoms. As a consequence, at particular stages of deformation, local values of strain rate of Ti–25Nb SMA were significantly higher than those of average strain rate. The results obtained in this paper provide a better understanding of the deformation mechanism in the oxygen-added Ti–25Nb based SMAs.

Golasiński K. - other affiliation
Tasaki W. - other affiliation
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kim H. - other affiliation
2.  Nowak M., Szeptyński P., Musiał S., Maj M., Sub‑global equilibrium method for identifcation of elastic parameters based on digital image correlation results, ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1644-9665, DOI: 10.1007/s43452-024-00979-6, Vol.24, pp.169-190, 2024

In this work, a new, simple method is presented, which enables identifcation of material properties of solids basing on the digital image correlation (DIC) measurements. It may be considered as a simplifed alternative of low computational complexity for the well-known fnite element model updating (FEMU) method and virtual felds method (VFM). The idea of the introduced sub-global equilibrium (SGE) method is to utilize the fundamental concept and defnition of internal forces and its equilibrium with appropriate set of external forces. This makes the method universal for the use in the description of a great variety of continua. The objective function is the measure of imbalance, namely the sum of squares of residua of equilibrium equations of external forces and internal forces determined for fnite-sized part of the sample. It is then minimized with the use of the Nelder–Mead downhill simplex algorithm. The efciency of the proposed SGE method is shown for two types of materials: 310 S austenitic steel and carbon-fber-reinforced polymer (CFRP). The proposed method was also verifed based on FE analysis showing error estimation.

Identifcation of material constant,Digital image correlation,Nelder–Mead downhill simplex algorithm,Finite element analysis,Optimization,Linear elasticity

Nowak M. - IPPT PAN
Szeptyński P. - other affiliation
Musiał S. - IPPT PAN
3.  Kucharski S. J., Maj M., Ryś M., Petryk H., Size effects in spherical indentation of single crystal copper, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES, ISSN: 0020-7403, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2024.109138, Vol.272, pp.1-15, 2024

Hardness, Lattice rotation, Plasticity, Strain Gradient

Kucharski S. J. - IPPT PAN
Petryk H. - IPPT PAN
4.  Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Maj M., Bieniek K., Majewski M., Opiela K.C., Zieliński T.G., Cubic elasticity of porous materials produced by additive manufacturing: experimental analyses, numerical and mean-field modelling, ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1644-9665, DOI: 10.1007/s43452-023-00843-z, Vol.24, pp.34-1-34-22, 2024

Although the elastic properties of porous materials depend mainly on the volume fraction of pores, the details of pore distribution within the material representative volume are also important and may be the subject of optimisation. To study their effect, experimental analyses were performed on samples made of a polymer material with a predefined distribution of spherical voids, but with various porosities due to different pore sizes. Three types of pore distribution with cubic symmetry were considered and the results of experimental analyses were confronted with mean-field estimates and numerical calculations. The mean-field ‘cluster’ model is used in which the mutual interactions between each of the two pores in the predefined volume are considered. As a result, the geometry of pore distribution is reflected in the anisotropic effective properties. The samples were produced using a 3D printing technique and tested in the regime of small strain to assess the elastic stiffness. The digital image correlation method was used to measure material response under compression. As a reference, the solid samples were also 3D printed and tested to evaluate the polymer matrix stiffness. The anisotropy of the elastic response of porous samples related to the arrangement of voids was assessed. Young’s moduli measured for the additively manufactured samples complied satisfactorily with modelling predictions for low and moderate pore sizes, while only qualitatively for larger porosities. Thus, the low-cost additive manufacturing techniques may be considered rather as preliminary tools to prototype porous materials and test mean-field approaches, while for the quantitative and detailed model validation, more accurate additive printing techniques should be considered. Research paves the way for using these computationally efficient models in optimising the microstructure of heterogeneous materials and composites.

Pore configuration, Anisotropy, Elasticity, Micro-mechanics, Additive manufacturing

Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Bieniek K. - IPPT PAN
Majewski M. - IPPT PAN
Opiela K.C. - IPPT PAN
Zieliński T.G. - IPPT PAN
5.  Wilczewski S., Nowak Z. M., Maj M., Osial M., Minikayev R., Giersig M., Enhancing Epoxy Composites with Graphene and Graphene Oxide: Thermal and Mechanical Insights, ChemNanoMat, ISSN: 2199-692X, DOI: 10.1002/cnma.202400488, pp.1-15, 2024

This paper shows the graphene and graphene oxide nanoflakes as the 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 wt.% reinforcement of epoxy-resin matrix to enhance the thermal and mechanical characteristics of the composite. Experimental measurement of the glass transition temperature and thermal expansion coefficient indicated that the addition of nanostructural filler improving the glass transition temperature about ~12 oC for nanocomposite filled carbon-based nanoparticles for both heating and cooling cycles compared to the bare epoxy resin. Young's modulus measured by nanoindentation and the stress versus strain curves for different weight fractions of graphene nanoflakes additives during uniaxial compression and tension considered were obtained from the experiments. The distributions of strain field for the transverse, axial and shear components on the nanocomposites, during the uniaxial tension process for quasi-static strain rates, were analyzed. The tensile strengths show improvement for nanocomposites with less than 1 % weight fraction of carbon-based nanoparticles. The compressive yield stress increased to a maximal value (at the recorded peak on the curve) for an epoxy nanocomposite having 2 wt.% oxidized graphene flakes, where both parameters were enhanced with the oxidized form of graphene for the more effective dispersion in the epoxy resin matrix over the bare graphene filler.

epoxy resin, nanocomposite, carbon nanoparticles, tensile strength, compression strength, thermal stability

Wilczewski S. - other affiliation
Nowak Z. M. - IPPT PAN
Osial M. - IPPT PAN
Minikayev R. - other affiliation
Giersig M. - IPPT PAN
6.  Golasiński K., Maj M., Urbański L., Staszczak M., Gradys A.D., Pieczyska E.A., Experimental study of thermomechanical behaviour of Gum Metal during cyclic tensile loadings: the quantitative contribution of IRT and DIC, Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, ISSN: 1768-6733, DOI: 10.1080/17686733.2023.2205762, pp.1-18, 2023

Thermomechanical behaviour of Gum Metal (Ti–23Nb–0.7Ta–2.0Zr–1.2O, at.%) under cyclic tension was experimentally investigated using infrared thermography and digital image correlation. The thermomechanical characteristics of particular stages of the subsequent loading-unloading cycles of Gum Metal were identified, i.e. (I) the linear, elastic loading accompanied by the temperature drop, (II) the nonlinear super-elastic loading related to the temperature growth, (III) the transient stage (at which both the superelastic-like behaviour and the plastic one are present simultaneously) and the temperature starts growing fast, (IV) the plastic deformation with a significant growth of temperature, (V) the superelastic-like unloading accompanied by a fast drop in temperature, (VI) the transient unloading with a slower decrease in temperature and (VII) the elastic unloading, with a slight increase in temperature. Thermoelastic effect in Gum Metal during both loading and unloading was analysed in each tensile cycle. Finally, the evolution of strain and temperature fields just before unloading in each cycle was discussed and a comparison of the fields at selected stages of cycles 12 and 24 was presented. The results of this work enabled us to identify the non-dissipative processes of elastic and superelastic-like deformations as well as the dissipative process of plastic deformation.

Gum Metal,β-Ti alloy,cyclic tension,superelasticity,thermoelastic effect,infrared thermography,digital image correlation

Golasiński K. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Gradys A.D. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
7.  Krajewski M., Witowski A., Liou S., Maj M., Tokarczyk M., Wasik D., Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) films filled in iron nanoparticles for infrared shielding applications, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, ISSN: 1022-1336, DOI: 10.1002/marc.202300038, No.2300038, pp.1-7, 2023

In order to use the infrared (IR) radiation shielding materials, they should take a form of thin film coatings deposited on glass/polymer substrates or be used as fillers of glass/polymer. The first approach usually suffers from several
technological problems. Therefore, the second strategy gains more and more attention. Taking into account this trend, this work presents the usage of iron nanoparticles (Fe NPs) embedded into the poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP) films as the shielding material in near-infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) region. The performed
investigations show that the transmittance of copolymer films decreases with
increasing content of the Fe NPs inside them. It is found that the average fade of IR transmittance for 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 50 mg of Fe NPs is about 13%, 24%, 31%, 77%, and 98%, respectively. Moreover, it is observed that the PVDF-HFP films filled in the Fe NPs almost does not reflect the NIR and MIR radiation. Hence, the IR shielding properties of the PVDF-HFP films can be effectively tuned by the addition of proper amount of the Fe NPs. This, in turn, shows that the PVDF-HFP films filled in the Fe NPs constitute a great option for IR antireflective and shielding applications.

antireflective materials, copolymer films, infrared radiation shielding materials, iron nanoparticles, nanofillers

Krajewski M. - IPPT PAN
Witowski A. - other affiliation
Liou S. - University of Maryland (US)
Tokarczyk M. - University of Warsaw (PL)
Wasik D. - University of Warsaw (PL)
8.  Musiał S., Maj M., Urbański L., Nowak M., Field analysis of energy conversion during plastic deformation of 310S stainless steel, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, ISSN: 0020-7683, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2021.111411, Vol.238, pp.111411-1-20, 2022

The paper concerns the experimental analysis of the energy conversion process during uniaxial tension of 310S austenitic steel. The plastic work distributions were obtained taking into account the influence of strain rate and plastic anisotropy based on the displacement gradient determined experimentally using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) method. On the other hand, the energy dissipated as heat was obtained by the calculation of heat sources from the transient heat conduction equation basing on both the evolution of the temperature field determined by Infrared Thermography and mechanical field provided by DIC. It was shown that the proportions between the terms of the heat conduction equation and between the particular components of the energy dissipated as heat are significantly different for various process durations. As a measure of energy conversion the energy storage rate was used. At the beginning of the plastic deformation, the values are in the range from 0.4 to 0.6 depending on the strain rate and then decrease monotonically up to the level of around 0.15 with the increasing strain. Moreover, just before the end of the process the values decrease significantly and become close to 0 or even negative, which means that the material loses its ability to store the energy.

digital image correlation, infrared thermography, energy conversion, transient heatconduction equation, heat sources, energy storage rate

Musiał S. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
Nowak M. - IPPT PAN
9.  Frydrych K., Libura T., Kowalewski Z., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., On the role of slip, twinning and detwinning in magnesium alloy AZ31B sheet, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0921-5093, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2021.141152, Vol.813, pp.141151-1-14, 2021

The paper reports experimental and numerical study of different deformation mechanisms activated in the AZ31B mag nesium alloy sheet subjected to cyclic in-plane tensile – compressive deformation. The influence ofslip, twinning and detwinning upon the mechanical response and texture evolution of the material is thoroughly investigated. The regime of twinning and detwinning activity is assessed based on the variation of hardening modulus in the course of the process. Velocity-based large strain crystal plasticity model accounting for twinning and detwinning is formulated. The crystal plasticity model parameters are identified using the implementation of the evolutionary algorithm. Predicted activity of deformation mechanisms is discussed with respect to the experimental data.

twinning, detwinning, crystal plasticity, magnesium alloys, AZ31B, evolutionary algorithm

Frydrych K. - IPPT PAN
Libura T. - IPPT PAN
Kowalewski Z. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
10.  Maj M., Nowak M., Musiał S., Płociński T., Experimental analysis of material, lattice and plastic rotation during deformation of aluminium multicrystal, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0921-5093, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2020.139725, Vol.790, pp.139725-1-5, 2020

This paper focuses on the experimental determination of the distribution of material, lattice and plastic rotation during deformation of crystalline aggregate. The proposed methodology uses standard electron backscattering diffraction technique combined with 3D digital image correlation data. The presented approach is used for analysis of rotations during deformation of aluminium multicrystal.

image analysis, electron backscattering diffraction, plastic deformation, misorientation, plastic rotation

Nowak M. - IPPT PAN
Musiał S. - IPPT PAN
Płociński T. - Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
11.  Bochenek K., Węglewski W., Morgiel J., Maj M., Basista M., Enhancement of fracture toughness of hot-pressed NiAl-Re material by aluminum oxide addition, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0921-5093, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2020.139670, Vol.790, pp.139670-1-6, 2020

In the search for a remedy to increase the fracture toughness of NiAl, the effect of rhenium and aluminum oxide addition is explored. Using a powder metallurgy processing route an optimum composition of NiAl-Re-Al2O3 material is found which manifests KIC over two times higher than as-received NiAl sintered under the same conditions.

fracture behavior, stress/strain measurements, intermetallics, composites, powder metallurgy, grains and interfaces

Bochenek K. - IPPT PAN
Węglewski W. - IPPT PAN
Morgiel J. - Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)
Basista M. - IPPT PAN
12.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Staszczak M., Świec P., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Investigation of strain rate sensitivity of gum metal under tension using digital image correlation, ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1644-9665, DOI: 10.1007/s43452-020-00055-9, Vol.20, No.2, pp.53-1-14, 2020

Mechanical behavior of a multifunctional titanium alloy Gum Metal was investigated by conducting tensile tests at various strain rates and applying digital image correlation (DIC) technique. Stress–strain curves confirmed low Young's modulus and high strength of the alloy. The determined values of yield strength had a tendency to increase, whereas the elongation to the specimen rupture tended to decrease with increasing strain rate. True stress versus strain curves were analyzed using selected lengths of virtual extensometer (VE) placed in the strain localization area. When the initial length of the VE was the same as the gauge length, work hardening was observed macroscopically at lower strain rates, and a softening was seen at higher strain rates. However, the softening effect was not observed at the shorter VE lengths. Evolution of the Hencky strain and rate of deformation tensor component fields were analyzed for various strain rates at selected stages of Gum Metal loading. The DIC analysis demonstrated that for lower strain rates the deformation is macroscopically uniform up to the higher average Hencky strains, whereas for higher strain rates the strain localization occurs at the lower average Hencky strains of the deformation process and takes place in the smaller area. It was also found that for all strain rates applied, the maximal values of Hencky strain immediately before rupture of Gum Metal samples were similar for each of the applied strain rates, and the maximal local values of deformation rate were two orders higher when compared to applied average strain rate values.

titanium alloy, gum metal, strain rate sensitivity, strain localization, digital image correlation, full-field deformation analysis

Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Świec P. - other affiliation
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
13.  Frydrych K., Maj M., Urbański L., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Twinning-induced anisotropy of mechanical response of AZ31B extruded rods, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0921-5093, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2019.138610, Vol.771, pp.138610-1-14, 2020

Texture and twinning-induced anisotropy of the yield stress and hardening of AZ31B extruded rods is investigated. The multidirectional compression tests involving strain path changes are performed in order to: i. assess which slip and twinning systems are active in the polycrystalline sample with a strong texture, ii. analyze the influence of the preliminary deformation upon twin formation, iii. observe the resulting change of the mechanical response. In order to fulfil these goals mechanical testing is supplemented by microstructure analysis. Experimental observations are used to validate the proposed crystal plasticity framework when it is combined with the viscoplastic self-consistent scheme. On the other hand, the results of numerical simulations are used to confirm an advocated interpretation of experimental findings. Finally, the experimental and numerical results are discussed with respect to the theoretical study of slip and twinning activity on the basis of the generalized Schmid criterion. It is concluded that twinning activity influences the mechanical response predominantly by the texture change and to lesser extent by modification of strain hardening due to slip-twin interactions.

crystal plasticity, anisotropy, plastic deformation, twinning, hcp

Frydrych K. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
14.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Mackiewicz S., Staszczak M., Kowalewski Z.L., Urbański L., Zubko M., Takesue N., Anisotropy of gum metal analysed by ultrasonic measurement and digital image correlation, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ISSN: 0267-0836, DOI: 10.1080/02670836.2019.1629539, Vol.36, No.9, pp.996-1002, 2020

The mechanical anisotropy of a multifunctional titanium alloy, Gum Metal, is investigated in this paper. The structural characterisation showed a strong <110> texture for Gum Metal, that is a result of the cold-swaging process applied during its manufacture. Gum Metal was treated as a transversally isotropic solid because of this texture. A significant difference from Young's moduli of the alloy was detected from the ultrasonic measurement of parallel and perpendicular directions to the alloy swaging direction. Samples of Gum Metal cubes were compressed in two different orientations. During the deformation process, two perpendicular walls of each sample were monitored by two visible range cameras for further two-dimensional digital image correlation analysis, this confirmed a strong plastic anisotropy in Gum Metal.

gum metal, compression, mechanical anisotropy, digital image correlation, ultrasonic measurement, texture, titanium alloy, full-field deformation measurement

Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Mackiewicz S. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Kowalewski Z.L. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
Zubko M. - other affiliation
Takesue N. - Fukuoka University (JP)
15.  Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Kuramoto S., Furuta T., A finite strain elastic-viscoplastic model of gum metal, International Journal of Plasticity, ISSN: 0749-6419, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2019.02.017, Vol.119, pp.85-101, 2019

A hyperelastic-viscoplastic model of Gum Metal is presented. The model is formulated in the large strain framework. The free energy function is postulated consisting of the hyperelastic and viscoplastic components. Original extension of the Neo-Hooke model with a power law component is proposed for hyperelasticity, which enables to describe a relatively large non-linear elastic regime observed for the alloy. Viscoplastic strain follows the Perzyna-type law with an overstress function. The model is implemented into the finite element method and used to simulate the Gum Metal response in multiple tension loading-unloading cycles. The results are compared with experimental outcomes. Good accordance of the simulation results and the available experimental data is obtained.

large strain, hyperelasto-viscoplasticity, gum metal, cyclic deformation

Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
16.  Musiał S., Nowak M., Maj M., Stress field determination based on digital image correlation results, ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1644-9665, DOI: 10.1016/j.acme.2019.06.007, Vol.19, No.4, pp.1183-1193, 2019

The aim of this work was to determine the stress distribution during plastic deformation, based on the displacement field obtained using the digital image correlation (DIC) method. To achieve stress distribution, the experimentally measured displacement gradient and the elastoplastic material model with isotropic hardening were used. The proposed approach was implemented in the ThermoCorr program. The developed procedure was used to determine stress fields for uniaxial tension and simple shear processes, carried out on samples made of austenitic steel 304L. Both material parameters, such as the Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, yield stress, and parameters of the hardening curve, were acquired experimentally. The macroscopic force obtained from the DIC-based stresses and its finite element analysis (FEA) equivalent were compared with that measured during the experiment. It was shown that the DIC-based approach gives more accurate results with respect to FEA, especially for a simple shear test, where FEA significantly overestimates the value of experimentally obtained macroscopic force.

stress field determination, digital image correlation (DIC), finite element analysis (FEA), elastoplastic constitutive model, plastic work

Musiał S. - IPPT PAN
Nowak M. - IPPT PAN
17.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Development of strain localization in a beta-titanium alloy gum metal analyzed by infrared camera and digital image correlation for various strain rates, Proceedings — Open Access Journal, ISSN: 2504-3900, DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2019027051, Vol.27, No.1, pp.51-1-4, 2019

Effects of thermomechanical couplings were studied in a new beta Ti alloy by IR and DIC techniques. The obtained stress-strain curves confirmed low Young’s modulus and high strength of the alloy. The determined values of yield strength increases and values of elongation till rupture decreases with increasing strain rate. It was found, by using fast and sensitive infrared camera, that the large limit of the Gum Metal reversible nonlinear deformation originates from mechanisms of dissipative nature, probably exothermic stress-induced transition of α" nanodomains.

titanium alloy, gum metal, strain rate, infrared camera, temperature change, DIC

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
18.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Staszczak M., Kowalewski Z.L., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Yielding and strain localization effects in gum metal - a unique Ti alloy - investigated by digital image correlation and infrared thermography, Materials Today: Proceedings, ISSN: 2214-7853, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.03.119, Vol.12, pp.235-238, 2019

The research concerns investigation of yielding and developing of the strain localization in new β-Ti alloy characterized by unique elastic-plastic properties, named Gum Metal. The alloy was subjected to tension on testing machine at three various strain rates up to rupture. Digital image correlation and infrared thermography were applied to analyze the experimental results. Strain distributions were determined on the basis of digital image correlation algorithm. The related temperature variations were found in contactless manner using infrared thermography. Mechanical and the corresponding thermal data were used to study the Gum Metal large nonlinear reversible deformation and localization effects.

gum metal, tension, large nonlinear elastic deformation, thermomechanical couplings, temperature change, digital image correlation

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Kowalewski Z.L. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
19.  Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Golasiński K.M., Staszczak M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Thermomechanical Studies of Yielding and Strain Localization Phenomena of Gum Metal under Tension, Materials, ISSN: 1996-1944, DOI: 10.3390/ma11040567, Vol.11, No.567, pp.1-13, 2018

This paper presents results of investigation of multifunctional beta-Ti alloy Gum Metal subjected to tension at various strain rates. Digital image correlation was used to determine strain distributions and stress-strain curves, while infrared camera allowed for us to obtain the related temperature characteristics of the specimen during deformation. The mechanical curves completed by the temperature changes were applied to analyze the subsequent stages of the alloy loading. Elastic limit, recoverable strain, and development of the strain localization were studied. It was found that the maximal drop in temperature, which corresponds to the yield limit of solid materials, was referred to a significantly lower strain value in the case of Gum Metal in contrast to its large recoverable strain. The temperature increase proves a dissipative character of the process and is related to presence of w and a” phases induced during the alloy fabrication and their exothermic phase transformations activated under loading. During plastic deformation, both the strain and temperature distributions demonstrate that strain localization for higher strain rates starts nucleating just after the yield limit leading to specimen necking and rupture. Macroscopically, it is exhibited as softening of the stress-strain curve in contrast to the strain hardening observed at lower strain rates.

gum metal, yield limit, thermomechanical coupling, infrared thermography, digital image correlation, strain localization

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
20.  Nowak M., Maj M., Determination of coupled mechanical and thermal fields using 2D digital image correlation and infrared thermography: Numerical procedures and results, ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1644-9665, DOI: 10.1016/j.acme.2017.10.005, Vol.18, pp.630-644, 2018

The objective of the work is to develop numerical method for determining coupled thermo-mechanical fields based on experimental data obtained from two cameras working in the visible and infrared mode. The sequence of images recorded by the first camera is used to determine the displacement field on the sample surface using the 2D digital image correlation (DIC) method. The resulting field from DIC analysis in a form of a set of discrete points with the corresponding in-plane displacement vector is used as the input for the next step of analysis, where the coupled temperature field is computed. This paper provides a detailed description of the numerical procedures, that allow, to obtain coupled thermal and mechanical fields together with the specification of experimental data needed for calculations. The presented approach was tested on an experimental data obtained during uniaxial tension of the multicrystalline aluminum. The developed numerical routine has been implemented in dedicated software, which can be used for the testing of materials on both a macro and micro scales

Digital image correlation (DIC), Infrared thermography (IRT), Coupled thermo-mechanical fields, Aluminum multicrysta

Nowak M. - IPPT PAN
21.  Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Maj M., Golasiński K.M., Golba S., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Experimental and numerical investigation of yielding phenomena in a shape memory polymer subjected to cyclic tension at various strain rates, POLYMER TESTING, ISSN: 0142-9418, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2017.04.014, Vol.60, pp.333-342, 2017

This paper presents experimental and numerical results of a polyurethane shape memory polymer (SMP) subjected to cyclic tensile loading. The goal was to investigate the polymer yielding phenomena based on the effects of thermomechanical coupling. Mechanical characteristics were obtained with a testing machine, whereas the SMP temperature accompanying its deformation process was simultaneously measured in a contactless manner with an infrared camera. The SMP glass transition temperature was approximately 45oC; therefore, when tested at room temperature, the polymer is rigid and behaves as solid material. The stress and related temperature changes at various strain rates showed how the SMP yield limit evolved in subsequent loading-unloading cycles under various strain rates. A two-phase model of the SMP was applied to describe its mechanical response in cyclic tension. The 3D Finite Element model of a tested specimen was used in simulations. Good agreement between the model predictions and experimental results was observed for the first tension cycle.

Shape memory polymer, Tension cyclic loading, Thermomechanical coupling, Yield limit, Thermoelastic effect, Constitutive model

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Golba S. - University of Silesia (PL)
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
22.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Infrared thermography applied for experimental investigation of thermomechanical couplings in Gum Metal, Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, ISSN: 1768-6733, DOI: 10.1080/17686733.2017.1284295, Vol.14, No.2, pp.1-8, 2017

Results of initial investigation of thermomechanical couplings in innovative β-Ti alloy called Gum Metal subjected to tension are presented. The experimental set-up, consisting of testing machine and infrared camera, enabled to obtain stress–strain curves with high accuracy and correlate them to estimated temperature changes of the specimen during the deformation process. Both ultra-low elastic modulus and high strength of Gum Metal were confirmed. The infrared measurements determined average and maximal temperature changes accompanying the alloy deformation process, allowed to estimate thermoelastic effect, which is related to the alloy yield point. The temperature distributions on the specimen surface served to analyse strain localization effects leading to the necking and rupture.

gum metal, thermomechanical coupling, nonlinear elasticity, yield point, infrared camera

Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
23.  Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Golasiński K.M., Cristea M., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Investigation of thermomechanical couplings, strain localization and shape memory properties in a shape memory polymer subjected to loading at various strain rates, SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, ISSN: 0964-1726, DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/25/8/085002, Vol.25, No.8, pp.085002-1-15, 2016

This paper presents experimental and modeling results of the effects of thermomechanical couplings occurring in a polyurethane shape memory polymer (SMP) subjected to tension at various strain rates within large strains. The SMP mechanical curves, recorded using a testing machine, and the related temperature changes, measured in a contactless manner using an IR camera, were used to investigate the polymer deformation process at various loading stages. The effects of thermomechanical couplings allowed the determination of the material yield point in the initial loading stage, the investigation of nucleation and development of the strain localization at larger strains and the estimation of the effects of thermoelastic behavior during the unloading process. The obtained stress–strain and thermal characteristics, the results of the dynamic mechanical analysis and estimated values of the shape fixity and shape recovery parameters confirmed that the shape memory polymer (T g = 45°C) is characterized by good mechanical and shape memory properties, as well as high sensitivity to the strain rate. The mechanical response of the SMP subjected to tension was simulated using the finite element method and applying the large strain, two-phase model. Strain localization observed in the experiment was well reproduced in simulations and the temperature spots were correlated with the accumulated viscoplastic deformation of the SMP glassy phase.

shape memory polymer, thermomechanical coupling, infrared camera, tension test, strain rate, strain localization, constitutive model

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Cristea M. - Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (RO)
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
24.  Staszczak M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Kukla D., Tobushi H., Infrared thermographic analysis of shape memory polymer during cyclic loading, MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ISSN: 0957-0233, DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/27/12/124007, Vol.27, No.12, pp.124007-1-6, 2016

In this paper we present the effects of thermomechanical couplings occurring in polyurethane shape memory polymer subjected to cyclic tensile loadings conducted at various strain rates. Stress–strain characteristics were elaborated using a quasistatic testing machine, whereas the specimen temperature changes accompanying the deformation process were obtained with an infrared camera. We demonstrate a tight correlation between the mechanical and thermal results within the initial loading stage. The polymer thermomechanical behaviour in four subsequent loading-unloading cycles and the influence of the strain rate on the stress and the related temperature changes were also examined. In the range of elastic deformation the specimen temperature drops below the initial level due to thermoelastic effect whereas at the higher strains the temperature always increased, due to the dissipative deformation mechanisms. The difference in the characteristics of the specimen temperature has been applied to determine a limit of the polymer reversible deformation and analyzed for various strain rates. It was shown that at the higher strain rates higher values of the stress and temperature changes are obtained, which are related to higher values of the polymer yield points. During the cyclic loading a significant difference between the first and the second cycle was observed. The subsequent loading-unloading cycles demonstrated similar sharply shaped stress and temperature profiles and gradually decrease in values.

thermomechanical couplings, infrared camera, shape memory polymer, tension, strain rate, thermoelastic effect, yield point

Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kukla D. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
25.  Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Staszczak M., Gradys A., Majewski M., Cristea M., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Thermomechanical properties of polyurethane shape memory polymer–experiment and modelling, SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, ISSN: 0964-1726, DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/24/4/045043, Vol.24, pp.045043-1-16, 2015

In this paper extensive research on the polyurethane shape memory polymer (PU-SMP) is reported, including its structure analysis, our experimental investigation of its thermomechanical properties and its modelling. The influence of the effects of thermomechanical couplings on the SMP behaviour during tension at room temperature is studied using a fast and sensitive infrared camera. It is shown that the thermomechanical behaviour of the SMP significantly depends on the strain rate: at a higher strain rate higher stress and temperature values are obtained. This indicates that an increase of the strain rate leads to activation of different deformation mechanisms at the micro-scale, along with reorientation and alignment of the molecular chains. Furthermore, influence of temperature on the SMP's mechanical behaviour is studied. It is observed during the loading in a thermal chamber that at the temperature 20°C below the glass transition temperature (Tg) the PU-SMP strengthens about six times compared to the material above Tg but does not exhibit the shape recovery. A finite-strain constitutive model is formulated, where the SMP is described as a two-phase material composed of a hyperelastic rubbery phase and elastic-viscoplastic glassy phase. The volume content of phases is governed by the current temperature. Finally, model predictions are compared with the experimental results.

shape memory polyurethane, thermomechanical couplings, infrared camera, temperature change, dynamic mechanical analysis, strain rate, constitutive model

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Gradys A. - IPPT PAN
Majewski M. - IPPT PAN
Cristea M. - Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (RO)
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
26.  Wysocka-Fotek O., Maj M., Oliferuk W., Use of pulsed IR thermography for determination of size and depth of subsurface defect taking into account the shape of its cross-section area, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, DOI: 10.1515/amm-2015-0181, Vol.60, No.2, pp.615-620, 2015

The paper is devoted to reconstruction of size and depth (distance from the tested surface) of artificial defects with square and rectangular cross-section areas using the pulsed IR thermography. Defects in form of flat-bottom holes were made in austenitic steel plate. The defect size was estimated on the basis of surface distribution of the time derivative of the temperature. In order to asses the depth of defects with considered geometries on the basis of calibration relations (i.e. dependence of time of contrast maximum vs. defect depth for given defect diameter) obtained for circular defects, the ‘equivalent diameter’ describing not only the defect cross-section area but also its shape was assigned. It has been shown that presented approach gives satisfactory results.

pulsed IR thermography, defect size, defect depth, cross-section shape of defect

Wysocka-Fotek O. - IPPT PAN
Oliferuk W. - other affiliation
27.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Zembrzycki K., Determination of the Energy Storage Rate Distribution in the Area of Strain Localization Using Infrared and Visible Imaging, EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, ISSN: 0014-4851, DOI: 10.1007/s11340-013-9819-1, Vol.55, pp.753-760, 2015

The presented work is devoted to a new simple method of determination of the energy storage rate (the ratio of the stored energy increment to the plastic work increment) that allows obtaining distribution of this quantity in the area of strain localization. The method is based on the simultaneous measurements of the temperature and displacement distributions on the specimen surface during a tensile deformation. The experimental procedure involves two complementary techniques: i.e. infrared thermography (IRT) and visible light imaging. It has been experimentally shown that during the evolution of plastic strain localization the energy storage rate in some areas of the deformed specimen drops to zero. It can be treated as the plastic instability criterion.

Infrared thermography, Energy storage rate distribution, Strain localization, Plastic instability criterion, Texture evolution

Oliferuk W. - other affiliation
Zembrzycki K. - IPPT PAN
28.  Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Maj M., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Investigation of thermal effects accompanying tensile deformation of Shape Memory Polymer PU-SMP, Measurement Automation Monitoring, ISSN: 0032-4140, Vol.61, No.6, pp.203-205, 2015

Experimental results of effects of thermomechanical couplings occurring in shape memory polymer subjected to tension are presented. Stress-strain curves were recorded by testing machine, while their related temperature changes were measured with infrared camera. The mechanical and thermal characteristics were used to investigate the polymer properties. Three various stages were distinguished during the deformation process. The first, elastic, is accompanied by a drop in the specimen temperature; the second, plastic, is associated with change of the material structure and the temperature increase; the third stage, related to the specimen rupture and damage mechanisms, is accompanied by the significant increase in temperature.

shape memory polymer, tension, thermomechanical coupling, temperature change, infrared camera

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
29.  Staszczak M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Urbański L., Odriozola I., Martin R., Thermomechanical Properties of Vulcanized Rubber investigated by Testing Machine and Infrared Camera, Measurement Automation Monitoring, ISSN: 0032-4140, Vol.61, No.6, pp.206-209, 2015

Experimental results of effects of thermomechanical couplings occurring both in natural vulcanized rubber and rubber with self-healing polyurethane subjected to tension at different strain rates are presented. Mechanical characteristics were recorded by testing machine, while the sample temperature changes accompanying the deformation process was measured by infrared camera. The goal was to investigate influence of self-healing polyurethane on the rubber mechanical and thermomechanical properties. It was found that the introduction of the self-healing polyurethane ensures the higher elasticity and the lower tensile strength of the rubber. It was also confirmed that the material is very sensitive to the strain rate; the higher the strain rate, the higher the values of the stress and temperature increases have been obtained.

vulcanized rubber, self-healing polyurethane, tension test, thermomechanical couplings, temperature changes, infrared camera

Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
Odriozola I. - IK4-CIDETEC (ES)
Martin R. - IK4-CIDETEC (ES)
30.  Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Staszczak M., Urbański L., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Cristea M., Mechanical and Infrared Thermography Analysis of Shape Memory Polyurethane, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ISSN: 1059-9495, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-014-0963-2, Vol.23, No.7, pp.2553-2560, 2014

Multifunctional new material—polyurethane shape memory polymer (PU-SMP)—was subjected to tension carried out at room temperature at various strain rates. The influence of effects of thermomechanical couplings on the SMP mechanical properties was studied, based on the sample temperature changes, measured by a fast and sensitive infrared camera. It was found that the polymer deformation process strongly depends on the strain rate applied. The initial reversible strain is accompanied by a small drop in temperature, called thermoelastic effect. Its maximal value is related to the SMP yield point and increases upon increase of the strain rate. At higher strains, the stress and temperature significantly increase, caused by reorientation of the polymer molecular chains, followed by the stress drop and its subsequent increase accompanying the sample rupture. The higher strain rate, the higher stress, and temperature changes were obtained, since the deformation process was more dynamic and has occurred in almost adiabatic conditions. The constitutive model of SMP valid in finite strain regime was developed. In the proposed approach, SMP is described as a two-phase material composed of hyperelastic rubbery phase and elastic-viscoplastic glassy phase, while the volume content of phases is specified by the current temperature.

constitutive model, dynamic mechanical analysis, shape memory polyurethane, strain rate, temperature change, thermomechanical couplings

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
Cristea M. - Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (RO)
31.  Pieczyska E.A., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Maj M., Staszczak M., Tobushi H., Thermomechanical investigation of TiNi shape memory alloy and PU shape memory polymer subjected to cyclic loading, Procedia Engineering, ISSN: 1877-7058, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.06.264, Vol.74, pp.287-292, 2014

In applications to sensors, actuators, guide wires, special grips for handicapped people, a shape memory alloy (SMA) or shape memory polymer (SMP) are used as working elements that perform cyclic motions. In order to evaluate the reliability of the shape memory materials (SMM), cycling and fatigue deformation properties are investigated. Since the SMM are very sensitive to temperature, not only mechanical properties but also their related temperature changes accompanying the deformation process should be taken into account. The presented paper embraces experimental investigation of effects of thermomechanical couplings occurring in shape memory alloy and shape memory polymer subjected to various kinds of cycling loading. The deformation was carried out on MTS 858 Testing machine. The strain was measured by a mechanical extensometer, so the stress-strain characteristics were elaborated with high accuracy. Furthermore, a fast and sensitive FLIR Co Phoenix infrared (IR) measurement system was used in order to record infrared radiation from the sample surface. It enables obtaining temperature distribution of the sample as a function of the deformation parameters. For each strain cycle, an increase in temperature during the loading and the temperature decrease during the unloading processes was observed. It was found that the temperature increment recorded during the cyclic deformation depends on the strain rate, the kind of the material and the test conditions. The higher the strain rate the higher the stress and temperature changes were obtained, since the deformation process was more dynamic and has occurred in almost adiabatic conditions. It was shown that various deformation mechanisms are active during various loading stages.

shape memory alloy, shape memory polymer, cyclic deformation, thermomechanical coupling, infrared camera

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
32.  Staszczak M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Urbański L., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Właściwości mechaniczne oraz zmiany temperatury polimeru z pamięcią kształtu w procesie rozciągania, POMIARY AUTOMATYKA KONTROLA, ISSN: 0032-4140, Vol.59, No.9, pp.1002-1005, 2013

This paper presents experimental evaluation of a new polyurethane shape memory polymer (PU-SMP) produced by SMP Technologies Inc. It discusses mechanical characteristics and temperature changes of the SMP specimens subjected to tension test performed at room temperature with various strain rates. Basing on the mechanical data and the relevant temperature changes, we have studied the thermomechanical properties of the PU-SMP and influence of the strain rate on the strain localization behavior. Finally, we have identified the material parameters for the one-dimensional rheological model of the SMP.

shape memory polyurethane, tension test, dynamic mechanical analysis, infrared camera, temperature change, thermomechanical properties, rheological model

Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
33.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Litwinko R., Urbański L., Thermomechanical coupling in the elastic regime and elasto-plastic transition during tension of austenitic steel, titanium and aluminium alloy at strain rates from 10-4 to 10-1 s-1, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS, ISSN: 0997-7538, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2011.08.007, Vol.35, pp.111-118, 2012

The temperature variation phenomenon during uniaxial deformation of materials with positive coefficient of linear thermal expansion is studied. The formula for a change in the specimen temperature during non-adiabatic tensile deformation is briefly derived. Thermomechanical behaviour of austenitic stainless steel, titanium and aluminium alloy during initial stage of tension at strain rates from 10−4 to 10−1 s−1 has been investigated. It was confirmed, that with increasing stress the temperature of each tested specimen first decreases linearly, reaches a minimum and then starts to rise. The decrease in the specimen temperature corresponds to elastic deformation whereas the temperature rise is related to the plastic one. Thus, the change in the specimen temperature can be used for study of elasto-plastic transition. From the viewpoint of strict theoretical analysis, the yield point will be defined as the stress corresponding to the lowest temperature, if tensile deformation process is adiabatic. The processes of deformation considered in this work are not adiabatic; there is a heat exchange between the specimen and the surroundings. The influence of this fact on the change in the specimen temperature vs. stress is discussed. The problem of yield point as the value of stress corresponding to minimum temperature of the specimen is considered. The influence of the strain rate on the yield point for tested materials is studied. Comparing of the obtained results with theoretical model, the limit above which the deformation process can be treated as the adiabatic one was determined. The values of the yield points determined on the basis of the thermoelastic effect were compared with the stress corresponding to the 0.2% of plastic strain.

Thermoelastic effect, Yield point, Non-adiabatic deformation

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
Litwinko R. - other affiliation
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
34.  Wysocka-Fotek O., Oliferuk W., Maj M., Reconstruction of size and depth of simulated defects in austenitic steel plate using pulsed infrared thermography, INFRARED PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY, ISSN: 1350-4495, DOI: 10.1016/j.infrared.2012.02.004, Vol.55, pp.363-367, 2012

In this paper the size and depth (distance from the tested surface) of defects in austenitic steel were estimated using pulse infrared thermography. The thermal contrast calculated from the surface distribution of the temperature is dependent on both these parameters. Thus, two independent experimental methods of defect size and depth determination were proposed. The defect size was estimated on the basis of surface distribution of the time derivative of the temperature, whereas the defect depth was assessed from the dependence of surface thermal contrast vs. cooling time.

pulsed IR thermography, temperature time derivative, defect size, thermal contrast, defect depth

Wysocka-Fotek O. - IPPT PAN
Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
35.  Maj M., Oliferuk W., Analysis of Plastic Strain Localization on The Basis of Strain and Temperature Fields, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, DOI: 10.2478/v10172-012-0124-2, Vol.57, No.4, pp.1111-1116, 2012

In the present paper the onset of plastic strain localization was determined using two independent methods based on strain and temperature field analysis. The strain field was obtained from markers displacement recorded using visible light camera. In the same time, on the other side of the specimen, the temperature field was determined by means of infrared camera. The objective of this work was to specify the conditions when the non-uniform temperature distribution can be properly used as the indicator of plastic strain localization. In order to attain the objective an analysis of strain and temperature fields for different deformation rates were performed. It has been shown, that for given experimental conditions, the displacement rate 2000 mm/min is a threshold, above which the non-uniform temperature distribution can be used as the indicator of plastic strain localization.

plastic strain localization, strain field, temperature field, infrared thermography, heat transfer

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
36.  Zimnoch M., Oliferuk W., Maj M., Estimation of Defect Depth in Steel Plate Using Lock-in IR Thermography, ACTA MECHANICA ET AUTOMATICA, ISSN: 1898-4088, Vol.4, No.4, pp.6-9, 2010

The paper deals with the application of lock-in active infrared thermography as one of the non-contact and non-destructive techniques used for estimating defect depth. Preliminary research was done by testing a specimen made of austenitic steel plate with artificially created defects, i.e. flat-bottom holes. The obtained dependence between defect depth and phase shift was presented for different frequencies of “thermal waves” generated inside the sample. The experiment was carried out to determine the application of the lock-in thermography approach in testing materials with a high thermal diffusivity.

non-destructive testing, lock-in thermography, defect depth, phase shift, thermal diffusivity

Zimnoch M. - other affiliation
Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
37.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Stress-strain curve and stored energy during uniaxial deformation of polycrystals, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS, ISSN: 0997-7538, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2008.06.003, Vol.28, No.2, pp.266-272, 2009

The subject of this paper is an attempt to obtain information about the energy stored during plastic deformation from experimentally measured stress–strain curve. Theoretical analysis of the stress–strain curve for elastic-perfectly plastic polycrystalline material has shown that only the part of stored energy can be calculated from the stress–strain curve. This part is the energy stored during non-homogeneous plastic deformation. The results of such calculation have been compared with the total stored energy determined experimentally. It has been shown that part of total stored energy related to non-homogeneous plastic deformation of investigated materials is much lower than that corresponding to homogeneous one.

stored energy, non-homogeneous plastic deformation, geometrically-necessary dislocations

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
38.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Components of energy storage rate during plastic deformation and their identification, RUDY I METALE NIEŻELAZNE, ISSN: 0035-9696, Vol.54, No.11, pp.732-735, 2009

The subject of the present paper is decomposition of energy storage rate into terms related to different mode of deformation. The stored energy is the change in internal energy due to plastic deformation determined after specimen unloading. Hence, this energy describes the state of the cold-worked material. Whereas, the ratio of the stored energy increament to the appropriate increament of plastic work is the measure of energy conversion process. This ratio is called the energy storage rate. Experimental results show that the energy storage rate is dependent on plastic strain. This dependence is influenced by different microscopic deformation mechanisms. It has been shown that the energy storage rate can be presented as a sum of particular components. Each of them is related to the separate internal microscopic mechanism. Two of the components are identified. One of them is the storage rate of statistically stored dislocation energy related to uniform deformation. Another one is connected with non-uniform deformation at the grain level. It is the storage rate of the long-range stresses energy and geometrically necessary dislocation energy.

stored energy, non-uniform plastic deformation, geometrically necessary dislocations

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
39.  Wysocka-Fotek O., Oliferuk W., Maj M., Use of pulse IR thermography for detection and quantitative description of subsurface defects in austenitic steel, RUDY I METALE NIEŻELAZNE, ISSN: 0035-9696, Vol.54, No.11, pp.684-687, 2009

Pulsed IR thermography is a non-destructive testing method that allows detection of subsurface defects in material. In this method the surface of the tested specimen is stimulated by heat pulse and its self-cooling process is analyzed. The temperature decrease rate is different for surface over defect with comparison to that over the sound material. It is caused by difference between values of heat diffusivity of defected zone and sound one. The purpose of this work is to determine the size and depth of the defects in austenitic steel on the basis of thermal contrast analysis. Because the thermal contrast is dependent on both these parameters, two independent experimental methods of defect size and depth determination were proposed.

pulsed thermography, thermal contrast, defect characterization

Wysocka-Fotek O. - IPPT PAN
Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
40.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Plastic instability criterion based on energy conversion, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, ISSN: 0921-5093, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2006.02.465, Vol.462, No.1-2, pp.363-366, 2007

The energy conversion in the plastic deformation process is described by the energy storage rate, defined as the ratio of the stored energy increment to the plastic work increment. The experiment was performed on 304L and 316L stainless steels. It has been shown that during straining the material reaches the state at which the energy storage rate is zero and after that it is negative. This means that a part of energy stored during previous deformation begins to release. The point where the energy storage rate is zero turned out to be the point of Considere stability criterion. Therefore, the zero and negative values of the energy storage rate can be used as a plastic instability criterion on the macro-scale and the release of stored energy as an indicator to describe the progressive predominance of damage leading to the fracture of tested materials.

stored energy, plastic work, plastic instability criterion, non-homogeneous deformation, austenitic steel

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
41.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Energy storage rate and plastic instability, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, Vol.52, No.2, pp.250-256, 2007

The energy storage rate, defined as the ratio of the stored energy increment to the plastic work increment, versus strain was experimentally estimated in the range of homogeneous deformation as well as in the range of non-homogeneous one. The experiment were performed on 304L and 316L stainless steels. It has been shown, that during straining the material reaches the state at which the energy storage rate is zero and after that it is negative. This means that a part of energy stored during previous deformation begins to release.
It has been found that the point where the energy storage rate is zero turned out to be the point of Considere stability criterion. Therefore the release of stored energy could be used as an indicator to describe the progressive predominance of damage leading to the fracture of a material. This confirms Considere construction that specimen will undergo stable deformation up to the point on the stress-strain curve, for which the strain hardening rate is equal to the flow stress. Some attempts to explain the release of stored energy in terms of microstructure phenomena has been made.

energy storage rate, plastic work, non-homogeneous deformation, Considere stability criterion

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
42.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Identyfikacja składników energii zmagazynowanej podczas jednoosiowego rozciągania, RUDY I METALE NIEŻELAZNE, ISSN: 0035-9696, Vol.52, No.11, pp.695-702, 2007

Podjęto próbę wyznaczenia energii zmagazynowanej na podstawie zależności naprężenie-odkształcenie. Przeprowadzona analiza teoretyczna pokazała, że w ten sposób można wyznaczyć jedynie dolną granicę energii zmagazynowanej. Na podstawie uproszczonego modelu materiału polikrystalicznego, podjęto próbę identyfikacji składników energii zmagazynowanej. Wykazano, że dolną granicę tej energii można traktować jako energię zmagazynowaną na skutek deformacji mikroskopowo niejednorodnej. Wyniki analizy teoretycznej porównano z całkowitą energią zmagazynowaną wyznaczoną eksperymentalnie.

energia zmagazynowana, odkształcenie jednorodne i niejednorodne, rozkład gęstości dyslokacji

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
43.  Oliferuk W., Beygelzimer Y., Maj M., Synkov S., Reshetov A., Pakieła Z., Zdolność magazynowania energii podczas rozciągania tytanu po wyciskaniu przez matrycę skrętną, Polska metalurgia w latach 2002-2006; Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akapit (Kraków), Świątkowski K. (Ed.), pp.495-500, 2006

The presented work is devoted to experimental studies of the energy storage process in the tensile test of the ultrafine-grained (UFG) titanium in comparison with the coarse-grained one. The UFG titanium was obtained using severe plastic deformation method (SPD) called twist extrusion (TE) that is briefly presented.
The experiments were performed on three groups of titanium specimens. Two of them (T1 and T2) were cut from the materials obtained by TE method. The T1 titanium was processed by 4 passes through the left twist die, whereas for the T2 titanium the twist direction was changed after the first pass. The last group (T0) was prepared from the annealed sheet of coarse-grained titanium. It was noticed that mechanical properties of the material underwent TE differs considerably from properties of te coarsed-grained one. It was observed that yield point obtained for specimens after TE is about 30% higher then that for coarsed-grained material. However, the elongation decrease was observed for both groups of specimens after TE (T1~60%, T2~25%) with respect to T0 ones.
The energy storage investigations show the differences in the energy storage rate for T1 and T2 specimens. In the case of T1 specimens the energy storage rate decreases rapidly with strain whereas for T2 specimens (where twist direction was changed) the energy storage rate remains constant at the homogeneous deformation range. The experimental results show that the change of the twist direction during TE may improve the mechanical properties of the material. The constant rate of energy storage in specimens after twist direction change may be macroscopic manifestation of homogeneous and more stable structure of the material.

energy storage rate, ultrafine-grained titanium, severe plastic deformation, twist extrusion

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
Beygelzimer Y. - other affiliation
Synkov S. - other affiliation
Reshetov A. - other affiliation
Pakieła Z. - Warsaw University of Technology (PL)

Conference papers
1.  Pieczyska E., Staszczak M., Maj M., Takeda K., Hayashi S., Lantada A.D., COMPREHENSIVE INVESTIGATION OF THERMOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SMP FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SMART DEVICES, M2D'2024, 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, 2024-09-01/09-05, Nagoya (JP), pp.1-3, 2024
2.  Musiał S., Maj M., Urbański L., Nowak M., Experimental analysis of energy conversion during deformation process based on coupled DIC and IRT results, BSSM, 15th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 2021-09-07/09-09, Swansea (GB), pp.1-2, 2021
3.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K., Maj M., Staszczak M., Gum metal thermomechanical properties in initial stage of the loading and deformation, DAS37, 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 2021-09-21/09-24, Linz (AT), pp.27-28, 2021
4.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Development of strain localization in a beta-titanium alloy Gum Metal analyzed by infrared camera and digital image correlation for various strain rates, AITA 2019, 15th International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications, 2019-09-16/09-19, Florencja (IT), pp.1-4, 2019

Effects of thermomechanical couplings were studied in a new beta Ti alloy by IR and DIC techniques. The obtained stress-strain curves confirmed low Young’s modulus and high strength of the alloy. The determined values of yield strength increases and values of elongation till rupture decreases with increasing strain rate. It was found, by using fast and sensitive infrared camera, that the large limit of the Gum Metal reversible nonlinear deformation originates from mechanisms of dissipative nature, probably exothermic stress-induced transition of alpha" nanodomains.

Titanium alloy, Gum Metal, strain rate, infrared camera, temperature change, DIC

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
5.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Staszczak M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY AND DIC USED TO INVESTIGATE GUM METAL LOCALIZATION EFFECTS, IRF2018, 6th International Conference Integrity-Reliability-Failure, 2018-07-22/07-26, Lizbona (PT), No.7199, pp.825-826, 2018

This paper presents an investigation of strain localization phenomena during tension of a β-Ti alloy Gum Metal that can deform reversibly to large strains (around 2%). Digital image correlation (DIC), with the especially developed PAN algorithm at IPPT, and infrared thermography were used to determine strain and the related temperature distributions with high accuracy. The analysis of strain and temperature distributions showed that the increase in the strain rate affects both the onset and development of the strain localization process.

infrared thermography, thermomechanical behavior, gum metal

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
6.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Staszczak M., Kuramoto S., Gum Metal under cyclic tension inspected by a fast and sensitive infrared camera, QIRT 2018, 14th Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Conference, 2018-06-25/06-29, Berlin (DE), pp.1-6, 2018

This work presents results of experimental investigation of recoverable deformation of a β-Ti alloy Gum Metal inspected by infrared (IR) thermography. To this end, a flat specimen of Gum Metal was subjected to cyclic tension with an increasing strain on a testing machine and was simultaneously monitored by a fast and sensitive IR camera. The IR measurements determined an average temperature accompanying the alloy deformation process for subsequent tension cycles and allowed to estimate thermoelastic effect, which is related to the alloy yield point. Thermomechanical couplings accompanying the loading-unloading cycles were analyzed for estimating the range of reversible deformation from mechanical and thermal perspectives as well as discussed in the view of Lord Kelvin's formula.

Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
7.  Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Gum Metal - unique properties and results of initial investigation of a new titanium alloy - extended paper, CMM, 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics and 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 2015-09-08/09-11, Gdańsk (PL), pp.469-472, 2016
8.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Infrared thermography applied for experimental investigation of thermomechanical couplings in Gum Metal, QIRT 2016, XIII International Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Conference, 2016-06-04/06-08, Gdańsk (PL), DOI: 10.21611/qirt.2016.038, pp.291-296, 2016

Results of investigation of thermomechanical couplings in innovative β-Ti alloy (Gum Metal) subjected to tension are presented. The experimental set-up, consisting of testing machine and infrared camera, enabled to obtain stress-strain curves with high accuracy and correlate them to estimated temperature changes of the sample during the deformation process. Both ultra-low elastic modulus and high strength of Gum Metal were confirmed. The infrared measurements determined average and maximal temperature changes accompanying the alloy deformation process, allowed to estimate thermoelastic effect, which is related to the alloy yield point. The temperature distributions on the sample surface served to analyze localization effects leading to the sample necking and rupture.

Gum metal, nonlinear elasticity, thermomechanical couplings

Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
9.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Zembrzycki K., Distribution of energy storage rate in area of strain localization during tension of austenitic steel, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, ISSN: 1757-899X, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/71/1/012055, Vol.71, pp.012055-1-8, 2015

The present work is devoted to experimental determination of the energy storage rate in the area of strain localization. The experimental procedure involves two complementary techniques: i.e. infrared thermography (IRT) and visible light imaging. The results of experiments have shown that during the evolution of plastic strain localization the energy storage rate in some areas of the deformed specimen drops to zero. To interpret the decrease of the energy storage rate in terms of micro-mechanisms, microstructural observations using electron back scattered diffraction (EBSC) were performed.

energy balance, strain localization, infrared thermography, texture evolution

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
Zembrzycki K. - IPPT PAN
10.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Distributions of energy storage rate and microstructural evolution in the area of plastic strain localization during uniaxial tension of austenitic steel, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, ISSN: 1757-899X, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/89/1/012040, Vol.89, pp.012040-1-8, 2015

The presented work is devoted to an experimental determination of the energy storage rate in the area of strain localization. The experimental procedure involves two complementary techniques: i.e. infrared thermography (IRT) and visible light imaging. The results of experiments have shown that during the evolution of plastic strain localization the energy storage rate in some areas of the deformed specimen drops to zero. To interpret the decrease of the energy storage rate in terms of micro-mechanisms, microstructural observations using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSC) were performed. On the basis of microstructural studies it is believed that a 0 value of energy storage rate corresponds to the state in which only two dominant components of the texture appear, creating conditions for crystallographic shear banding.

energy storage rate, strain localization, infrared thermography, microstructure evolution, crystallographic texture

Oliferuk W. - other affiliation
11.  Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Cristea M., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Thermomechanical analysis of shape memory polyurethane PU-SMP, 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, 2015-07-26/07-30, Ponta Delgada (PT), pp.783-786, 2015

Experimental results of effects of thermomechanical couplings occurring in polyurethane shape memory polymer (PU-SMP) during tension at different strain rates are presented. Stress-strain curves were recorded by MTS 858 testing machine. The temperature changes were estimated by using a fast and sensitive infrared camera (Phoenix FLIR IR System). The stress and temperature vs. strain characteristics obtained during the tension enable to investigate the SMP deformation process and distinguish 3 different stages: the first, accompanied by a drop in temperature called thermoelastic effect, related to a limit of the material reversible deformation, the second plastic stage, associated with change of the material structure and significant increase in temperature, and the third - related to the mechanisms of damage - a breaking of the polymer chains, leading to the specimen rupture.

shape memory polymer, thermomechanical coupling, tension, infrared camera

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Cristea M. - Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (RO)
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
12.  Staszczak M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Kukla D., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Infrared thermography analysis of thermomechanical shape memory polymer behavior – initial loading stage, AITA, 13th International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications, 2015-09-29/10-02, Pisa (IT), pp.115-118, 2015

Experimental results of effects of thermomechanical couplings occurring in polyurethane shape memory polymer (PU-SMP) subjected to cyclic loading at various strain rates are presented. Stress-strain characteristics were recorded by the testing machine, whereas the specimen temperature changes were measured by a fast and sensitive infrared camera. The influence of strain rate on the polymer thermomechanical behaviour was studied. It was found that the SMP is very sensitive to the strain rate. The higher the strain rate, the higher the values of the stress and temperature changes were obtained. In the initial stage of deformation a drop in temperature called thermoelastic effect, determining a limit of the material reversible deformation, was investigated.

thermomechanical couplings, polyurethane shape memory polymer, cyclic loading, various strain rates, sensitive infrared camera, thermoelastic effect, thermoelastic effect, reversible deformation

Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Kukla D. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
13.  Staszczak M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Urbański L., Odriozola I., Martin R., Właściwości termomechaniczne gumy wulkanizowanej badane za pomocą maszyny wytrzymałościowej oraz kamery termowizyjnej, 11th Conference on Thermography and Thermometry in Infrared, 2015-09-22/09-24, Ustroń (PL), pp.66-67, 2015

Praca przedstawia wyniki doświadczalnych badań efektów sprzężeń termomechanicznych w naturalnej, wulkanizowanej gumie z różną zawartością poliuretanu o właściwościach samo-naprawiania, tzw. „self-healing” podczas obciążania z różnymi prędkościami deformacji. Próbki rozciągano na maszynie wytrzymałościowej wysokiej klasy, co pozwoliło otrzymać charakterystyki mechaniczne z wysoką dokładnością, a szybka i czuła kamera termowizyjna pozwoliła otrzymać w sposób bezstykowy zmiany temperatury próbek związane z ich odkształcaniem. Stwierdzono, że im więcej dodatku poliuretanu, tym wyższa sprężystość gumy oraz niższa jej wytrzymałość. Ponadto, otrzymane wyniki potwierdziły wysoką wrażliwość materiału na prędkość deformacji: im wyższa prędkość, tym wyższe wartości naprężenia oraz zmian temperatury.

efekty sprzężeń termomechanicznych, wulkanizowana guma, poliuretan self-healing, prędkość deformacji, maszyna wytrzymałościowa, kamera termowizyjna

Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
Odriozola I. - IK4-CIDETEC (ES)
Martin R. - IK4-CIDETEC (ES)
14.  Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Maj M., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Thermal effects accompanying tensile deformation of shape memory polymer PU-SMP, 11th Conference on Thermography and Thermometry in Infrared, 2015-09-22/09-24, Ustroń (PL), pp.60-65, 2015

In the paper experimental results of the effects of thermomechanical couplings occurring in polyurethane shape memory polymer (PU-SMP), produced by SMP Techno Tokyo, subjected to tension with various strain rates are presented. Stress-strain curves were recorded by MTS 858 testing machine with a high accuracy, while using a fast and sensitive infrared camera (Phoenix FLIR IR System) enables to obtain the temperature distribution on the specimen surface, estimate the average temperature and investigate effects of the strain localization during the deformation process. The higher the strain rate the higher the changes in the stress and in temperature are observed, since the deformation mechanisms occur in more dynamic manner and the loading process is closer to adiabatic conditions.

shape memory polymer, thermomechanical couplings, tension, infrared camera, thermoelastic effect, yield point, temperature distribution, strain localization, strain rate, adiabatic conditions

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
15.  Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Staszczak M., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Thermomechanical properties of shape memory alloys and polymers studied by advanced infrared techniques, PACAM, 14th Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics, 2014-03-24/03-28, Santiago (CL), pp.1-6, 2014

The paper presents experimental evaluation and modelling of effects of thermomechanical couplings in shape memory alloy (SMA) and shape memory polymer (SMP). TiNi SMA and polyurethane PU-SMP are subjected to tension on MTS Testing machine. Fast infrared camera (IR) Phoenix FLIR System enable obtaining temperature distribution and average temperature changes of the specimens during the deformation process. Mechanical and infrared characteristics recorded during the SMA loading show that after initial, macroscopically homogeneous deformation a localized transformation develops, accompanied by significant temperature changes. Inclined bands of higher temperature accompanying exothermic forward transformation are recorded during the loading, whereas bands of lower temperature related to endothermic reverse transformation are observed during the unloading process. The infrared imaging and average temperature of the SMA sample compared to their mechanical characteristics allow to investigate the current stage of the stress-induced transformation process. A decrease of the specimen temperature reveals the saturation stage of the transformation. Both mechanical and thermal effects significantly depend on the strain rate; the higher the strain rate, the higher the temperature and stress are obtained. Similar experimental methodology is applied to investigate effects of thermomechanical couplings in shape memory polyurethane subjected to tension at various strain rates. Constitutive model valid in finite strain regime is proposed, where the SMP is described as a two-phase material composed of hyperelastic rubbery phase and elastic-viscoplastic glassy phase, while the volume content of phases is specified by the current temperature. Experimental results and modelling show that the SMP deformation process strongly depends on the strain rate, much stronger than for metals and alloys. At higher strain rate higher stress and temperature changes are obtained, since the deformation process is more dynamic and occurs in almost adiabatic conditions. It is shown that during the SMP loading process various deformation mechanisms are active at various strain rates.

shape memory alloy, transformation bands, infrared camera, constitutive model, shape memory polymers, elastic modulus, yield stress, glass transition temperature, shape fixity, shape recovery

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
16.  Staszczak M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Cristea M., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Mechanical and infrared thermography analysis of shape memory polymer - focus on thermoelastic effect, QIRT 2014, 12th International Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, 2014-07-07/07-11, Bordeaux (FR), pp.183-1-9, 2014

Experimental results of effects of thermomechanical couplings occurring in polyurethane shape memory polymer (PU-SMP) subjected to cyclic loading at, are presented. Stress-strain characteristics were recorded by the testing machine, whereas the specimen temperature changes were measured by a fast and sensitive infrared camera. The influence of strain rate on the polymer thermomechanical behaviour is studied. It was found that PU-SMP is very sensitive to the strain rate. The higher the strain rate, the higher the values of stress and temperature changes were obtained. In the initial stage of deformation a drop in temperature called thermoelastic effect was recorded determining a limit of the material reversible deformation.

thermomechanical couplings, polyurethane shape memory polymer, cyclic loading, different strain rates, infrared camera, thermoelastic effect

Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Cristea M. - Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (RO)
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
17.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Distribution of energy storage rate in area of plastic strain localization during tension, 3rd International Conference Topical Problems of Continuum Mechanics, 2012-10-08/08-12, Tsakhkadzor (AM), No.1, pp.282-286, 2012

The presented work is devoted to the new method of energy storage rate detrmination that allows to obtain distribution of this quantity on the surface of deformed specimen. The method is based on the experimental procedure for simultaneous measurements of themperature and displacement distributions on the surface of tested specimen during tensile deformation. This procedure involves two complementary imaging techniques: CCD technique and infrared thermography (IRT). It has been shown experimentally that during evolution of plastic strain localization the energy storage in some zones of deformed specimen dropes to zero even to negative values. To interpret this results in terms of micromechanisms, microstructural obserwations using electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were performed on specimens in different states of deformation.

energy storage rate, infrared thermography, plastic strain localization, texture evolution

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
18.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Identification of energy storage rate components. Theoretical and experimental approach, 15th International Conference on the Strength of Materials, 2009-08-16/08-21, Dresden (DE), DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/240/1/012144, Vol.240, pp.012144-1-4, 2010

The subject of the present paper is decomposition of energy storage rate into terms related to different mode of deformation. The stored energy is the change in internal energy due to plastic deformation after specimen unloading. Hence, this energy describes the state of the cold-worked material. Whereas, the ratio of the stored energy increment to the appropriate increment of plastic work is the measure of energy conversion process. This ratio is called the energy storage rate. Experimental results show that the energy storage rate is dependent on plastic strain. This dependence is influenced by different microscopic deformation mechanisms. It has been shown that the energy storage rate can be presented as a sum of particular components. Each of them is related to the separate internal microscopic mechanism. Two of the components are identified. One of them is the storage rate of statistically stored dislocation energy related to uniform deformation. Another one is connected with non-uniform deformation at the grain level. It is the storage rate of the long range stresses energy and geometrically necessary dislocation energy. The maximum of energy storage rate, that appeared at initial stage of plastic deformation is discussed in terms of internal micro-stresses.

stored energy, deformation mechanisms, statistically stored dislocations, geometrically stored dislocations, long-range internal stresses

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN
19.  Maj M., Oliferuk W., Pre-strain direction effect on microstructure evolution and energy storage process during uniaxial tension of austenitic steel, 15th International Conference on the Strength of Materials, 2009-08-16/08-21, Dresden (DE), DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/240/1/012143, Vol.240, pp.012143-1-4, 2010

In the present paper the influence of pre-strain direction on energy balance during deformation of austenitic steel was investigated and the analysis of microscopic phenomena responsible for this influence was performed. The specimens with different pre-strain directions were prepared and the ratio of the stored energy increment to plastic work increment, called energy storage rate, as a function of plastic strain was experimentally determined. At the initial stage of plastic deformation of annealed materials this quantity vs. plastic strain has a maximum. It has been shown that for specimens strained in the same direction as pre-strain the energy storage rate decreases monotonically with deformation while for specimens where strain path was changed, the maximum of the energy storage rate is observed (as in case of annealed material). The study of slip and microstructure evolution at meso- and micro-scales have shown that the change in pre-strain direction leads to the redistribution of internal stresses generated by incompatible slip in neighbouring grains of different orientation. Just after change in strain direction the accommodation of these stresses takes place not only by generation of geometrically necessary dislocations but also by micro-shear banding.

energy storage rate, pre-strain direction, slip evolution, long-range internal stresses, geometrically necessary dislocations, micro-shear bands

Oliferuk W. - IPPT PAN

Conference abstracts
1.  Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Tasaki W., Pieczyska E.A., Kim H.Y., TENSILE LOADING OF Ti-25Nb-0.7O SHAPE MEMORY ALLOY MONITORED BY INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY AND DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION, QIRT 2024, 17th Quantitative Infrared Thermography Conference, 2024-07-01/07-05, Zagreb (HR), No.5, 5-B, pp.93-93, 2024
2.  Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Tasaki W., Pieczyska E.A., Kim H.Y., Lüders-type deforma0on of Ti-25Nb shape memory alloy in tension inspected by digital image correlation and infrared thermography, ESOMAT 2024, 13th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, 2024-08-26/08-30, Lecco (IT), pp.042-042, 2024
3.  Nowak M., Szeptyński P., Musiał S., Maj M., Identyfikacja parametrów materiałowych na podstawie wyników metody korelacji obrazów cyfrowych, XIII Konferencja Naukowa PLASTMET 2023, 2023-11-07/11-10, Łańcut (PL), pp.10-10, 2023
4.  Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Maj M., Kuramoto S., GUM METAL SUBJECTED TO CYCLIC TENSION LOADING UP TO RUPTURE ANALYSED BY FAST AND SENSITIVE INFRARED CAMERA, ICDM4, The Fourth International Conference on Damage Mechanics, 2023-05-15/05-18, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (US), No.11, pp.1-1, 2023

Gum Metal, cyclic loading, infrared camera, thermomechanical coupling, rupture

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
5.  Musiał S., Maj M., Urbański L., Nowak M., Field analysis of energy conversion during plastic deformation process, IUTAM Symposium, IUTAM Symposium on Enhancing Material Performance by Exploiting Instabilities and Damage Evolution, 2022-06-05/06-10, Warszawa (PL), DOI: 10.24423/iutam2022warsaw, No.P039, pp.53-53, 2022
6.  Musiał S., Maj M., Urbański L., Nowak M., Field analysis of energy conversion during plastic deformation process, ICSMA19, International Conference on Strength of Materials, 2022-06-26/07-01, Metz (FR), pp.1-1, 2022

Digital image correlation, Infrared thermography, Energy conversion, Heat sources, Transient heat conduction equation

Musiał S. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
Nowak M. - IPPT PAN
7.  Maj M., Nowak M., Musiał S., Płociński T., Experimental analysis of material, lattice and plastic rotation during deformation of aluminum multicrystal, ICSMA19, International Conference on Strength of Materials, 2022-06-26/07-01, Metz (FR), pp.1-1, 2022

image analysis, plastic deformation, misorientation, plastic rotation

Nowak M. - IPPT PAN
Musiał S. - IPPT PAN
Płociński T. - Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
8.  Nowak M., Szeptyński P., Maj M., IDENTIFICATION OF ELASTIC MATERIAL PARAMETERS BASED ON DIGITAL IMAGECORRELATION RESULTS, CMM-SolMech 2022, 24th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics; 42nd Solid Mechanics Conference, 2022-09-05/09-08, Świnoujście (PL), No.244, pp.1-1, 2022
9.  Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Bieniek K., Maj M., Majewski M., Opiela K., Zieliński T., THE EFFECT OF INCLUSION SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION: MODELLING AND EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION, CMM-SolMech 2022, 24th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics; 42nd Solid Mechanics Conference, 2022-09-05/09-08, Świnoujście (PL), No.89, pp.14/89-14/89, 2022
10.  Golasiński K.M., Tasaki W., Maj M., Pieczyska E.A., Kim H.Y., EFFECT OF OXYGEN ON MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF Ti-25Nb BASED SHAPE MEMORY ALLOYS, ICEM, 19th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2022-07-17/07-21, Kraków (PL), pp.284-285, 2022
11.  Pieczyska E., Golasiński K., Maj M., Kuramoto S., Thermomechanical behavior of gum metal under tension, ICOMAT 2022, 16th International Conference on Martensitic Transformations, 2022-03-13/03-18, Seoul (KR), pp.1, 2022
12.  Golasiński K., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Staszczak M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Takesue N., Analysis of temperature changes of a Ti-based alloy gum metal under selected loadings in the context of its unconventional deformation mechanisms, 8th Wdzydzeanum Workshop on „FLUID – SOLID INTERACTION”, 2020-08-30/09-03, Wdzydze Kiszewskie (PL), pp.1-1, 2020
13.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Maj M., Kuramoto S., Furuta T., Mechanical behavior of gum metal under tension at various strain rates - full-field deformation measurements and simulations, International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture 2020, 2020-01-03/01-09, Riviera Maya (MX), pp.1-1, 2020
14.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Staszczak M., Takesue N., Thermomechanical behavior of gum metal under cyclic compression, PCM-CMM, 4th Polish Congress of Mechanics, 23rd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 2019-09-08/09-12, Kraków (PL), pp.1, 2019

Gum Metal, Multifunctional Ti-based Alloy, Cyclic Compression, Infrared Thermography

Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Takesue N. - Fukuoka University (JP)
15.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Staszczak M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Gum metal subjected to tension at various strain rates - experimental results analysed by dic, PCM-CMM, 4th Polish Congress of Mechanics, 23rd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, 2019-09-08/09-12, Kraków (PL), pp.1, 2019

Gum metal, Titanium alloy, Tensile loading, Digital Image Correlation

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
16.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Staszczak M., Kuramoto S., Furuta T., Gum Metal mechanical properties investigated by infrared camera and digital image correlation, SMST, Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, 2019-05-13/05-17, Konstanz (DE), pp.1-2, 2019
17.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Staszczak M., Kuramoto S., Furuta T., Gum metal - a unique Ti alloy - investigated by digital image correlation and infrared thermography, ISMMS, 10th International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2019-06-02/06-06, Augustów (PL), pp.86-87, 2019

Advanced material, Titanium alloy, Gum Metal, Superelasticity, High Strength, Tension, Infrared Camera, DIC

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
18.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Mackiewicz S., Staszczak M., Zubko M., Takesue N., Elastic and plastic anisotropy of gum metal investigated by ultrasound measurements and digital image correlation, ISMMS, 10th International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2019-06-02/06-06, Augustów (PL), pp.43-44, 2019

Mechanical Anisotropy, Ti alloy, Gum Metal, Ultrasound Measurement, Digital Image Correlation

Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Mackiewicz S. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Zubko M. - other affiliation
Takesue N. - Fukuoka University (JP)
19.  Musiał S., Nowak M., Maj M., Wyznaczanie rozkładu naprężeń z wykorzystaniem metody korelacji obrazów cyfrowych (DIC), PLASTMET, 11 KONFERENCJA ZINTEGROWANE STUDIA PODSTAW DEFORMACJI PLASTYCZNEJ METALI, 2018-11-27/11-30, Łańcut (PL), pp.89-90, 2018
20.  Maj M., Nowak M., Musiał S., Eksperymentalna analiza obrotu materialnego i obrotu sieci krystalograficznej podczas deformacji multikrysztalu Al, PLASTMET, 11 KONFERENCJA ZINTEGROWANE STUDIA PODSTAW DEFORMACJI PLASTYCZNEJ METALI, 2018-11-27/11-30, Łańcut (PL), pp.71-72, 2018
21.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Staszczak M., Kowalewski Z.L., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Yielding and strain localization effects in gum metal - a unique ti alloy -investigated by digital image correlation and infrared thermography, 35 DANUBIA-ADRIA, 35th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 2018-09-25/09-28, Sinaia (RO), pp.57-58, 2018
22.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Staszczak M., Takesue N., Superelastic-like behavior of Gum Metal under compression inspected by infrared thermography, ESOMAT 2018, 11th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, 2018-08-27/08-31, Metz (FR), pp.84, 2018
23.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Mackiewicz S., Staszczak M., Zubko M., Takesue N., Mechanical anisotropy of Gum Metal analyzed by ultrasonic measurements and digital image correlation, SolMech 2018, 41st SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2018-08-27/08-31, Warszawa (PL), pp.352-353, 2018

Experimental investigation of mechanical anisotropy in a multifunctional beta titanium alloy Gum Metal under compression is reported. Non-destructive and destructive techniques were used to analyze unique mechanical behavior of the alloy. Structural characterization showed a strong <110> texture of Gum Metal, which is a result of cold-swaging applied during its fabrication [1]. Due to this kind of texture Gum Metal can be treated as transversally isotropic solid. Ultrasonic measurements determined elastic constants with high accuracy. A significant difference between Young's moduli of the alloy calculated for parallel and perpendicular directions to the alloy swaging direction was demonstrated. Compression of Gum Metal cube samples with two orientations was conducted on a testing machine. Two perpendicular walls of each sample were monitored by two visible range cameras during the deformation process for further 2-dimensional digital image correlation (DIC) analysis. Strong mechanical anisotropy of Gum Metal was confirmed by a detailed analysis of the stress vs. strain curves and strain distributions.

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Mackiewicz S. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Zubko M. - other affiliation
Takesue N. - Fukuoka University (JP)
24.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Staszczak M., Mackiewicz S., Zubko M., Takesue N., Gum metal in compression – investigation of mechanical anisotropy caused by texture, ICEM 2018, 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 2018-07-01/07-05, BRUKSELA (BE), No.454, pp.1-2, 2018
25.  Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Golasiński K.M., Maj M., Tobushi H., Kuramoto S., Furuta T., Investigation of Shape Memory Alloys, Polymers and Gum Metals for Biomedical Applications, Materials Science and Nanoscience 2-d Global Congress and Expo, 2017-09-25/09-27, Valencia (ES), pp.1, 2017
26.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Staszczak M., Takesue N., Unique mechanical performance of an innovative Ti-based superalloy Gum Metal under compression, International Scientific Conference Humboldt-Kolleg Limits of Knowledge, 2017-06-22/06-25, Cracow (PL), pp.P35-NS-218-219, 2017
27.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Staszczak M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., A thermomechanical analysis of high elasto-plastic properties of gum metal at various strain rates, M2D, 7th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, 2017-06-11/06-15, Albufeira (PT), pp.393-394, 2017

Mechanical characteristics obtained by MTS testing machine and digital image correlation (DIC) algorithm as well as the related temperature changes in a new B-Ti alloy - Gum Metal, subjected to tension in a wide spectrum of the strain rates, are presented The fast and sensitive infrared camera ThermaCam Phoenix allowed estimating temperature changes accompanying the specimen deformation process in contactless manner. The obtained mechanical curves confirm an ultra-low elastic modulus and high strength of Gum Metal. Furthermore, it was presented how the stress-strain characteristics change from hardening to softening depending on the strain rate. The thermoelastic effect, estimated by the IR technique was discussed according to the Gum Metal yield point.

gum metal, titanium alloy, tension test, strain rate, thermomechanical coupling

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
28.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Staszczak M., Takesue N., Investigation of Gum Metal under compressive cyclic loading, Plastmet 2016, Jubileuszowe X Seminarium Naukowe ZINTEGROWANE STUDIA PODSTAW DEFORMACJI PLASTYCZNEJ METALI, 2016-11-22/11-25, Łańcut (PL), pp.41-42, 2016

Preliminary results of mechanical behavior of Gum Metal compressed along the swaging direction during cyclic loading were presented. The unique mechanical performance of Gum Metal - low Young’s Modulus and high strength were confirmed. During the cyclic loading the curves profiles change significantly with each cycle and reveal a clearly pronounced yield points for the 4th and further cycles. Compression tests along perpendicular direction to the swaging one will be considered for our future research.

Gum Metal, polycrystal, compression loading, cyclic loading, digital image correlation

Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Takesue N. - Fukuoka University (JP)
29.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Staszczak M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Gum metal subjected to cyclic tension loading analysed by fast and sensitive infrared camera, ICMFM18, XVIII International Colloquium MECHANICAL FATIGUE OF METALS, 2016-09-05/09-07, Gijón (ES), pp.1, 2016

Gum Metal, a new multifunctional titanium alloy combining high elasticity of rubber and strength of metal, has been mechanically and thermomechanically tested. The subsequent tension deformation cycles have been conducted. At the strain rate of 10-2s-1 and step of 0.005 - 37 loading-unloading cycles until rupture were performed. Comparison of stress and temperature changes vs. strain for 2nd, 20th and 36th loading-unloading cycles is discussed.

Gum Metal, cyclic loading, infrared camera, thermomechanical coupling

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
30.  Pieczyska E.A., Golasiński K.M., Staszczak M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., High elasto-plastic properties of new titanium alloy gum metal in wide spectra of the strain rates, 17th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2016-07-03/07-07, Rhodes (GR), No.388, pp.1-2, 2016

Results of investigation of mechanical properties and the related temperature changes in a β-Ti alloy, Gum Metal, subjected to tension in a wide spectrum of the strain rates are presented. The stress-strain curves have been obtained by MTS testing machine while fast and sensitive infrared camera Phoenix Flir Co. allowed estimating temperature changes accompanying the specimen deformation process. The obtained mechanical curves confirm an ultra- low elastic modulus and high strength of Gum Metal. The yield point was estimated with high accuracy basing on the thermoelastic effect measured by the advanced infrared technique. Furthermore, it was observed that the stress-strain characteristics change from hardening to softening beyond the Yield point depending on the strain rate applied.

Gum metal, Titanium alloy, Superelastic nonlinear properties, strain rate

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
31.  Golasiński K.M., Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Thermomechanical behavior of gum metal under cyclic loading, SolMech 2016, 40th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2016-08-29/09-02, Warszawa (PL), No.P208, pp.1-2, 2016

This work presents thermomechanical characterization of a new multifunctional class of β-Ti alloy called Gum Metal subjected to cyclic tensile loading. Being developed in the Toyota Central R&D Laboratory (CRDL), Gum Metal has attracted remarkable attention due to its exceptional properties, i.e. low elastic modulus, high strength, nonlinear elastic deformation, excellent cold workability as well as Invar- and Elinvar-like behavior. Typical composition of Gum Metal is Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr-O, where oxygen content plays a key role. Its fabrication route consists of powder metallurgy forging method with subsequent cold working usually up to 90% in area reduction. The latter is critical for the unique mechanical performance but deformation mechanisms occurring in Gum Metal are unconventional and still unclear.

Gum metal, cyclic loading, titanium alloy, thermomechanical behavior

Golasiński K.M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
32.  Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Frydrych K., Maj M., Urbański L., Micromechanical modelling of magnesium alloy and its experimental verification, PCM-CMM 2015, 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics and 21st Computer Methods in Mechanics, 2015-09-08/09-11, Gdańsk (PL), pp.677-678, 2015

Micromechanical modelling of magnesium alloys is presented. The applied model combines the crystal plasticity framework accounting for twinning with the self-consistent grain-to-polycrystal scale transition scheme. The mechanical response of the material in the experiments involving the strain path changes is studied, together with the prediction of the accompanying texture evolution. It is demonstrated that the evolution of microstructure has an important impact on the overall material behaviour. The model predictions will be verified in experiments performed on the rolled sheets made of AZ31B alloy

micromechanics, crystal plasticity, twinning, texture evolution

Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Frydrych K. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
33.  Staszczak M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Cristea M., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Shape memory polymer – shape fixity and recovery in cyclic loading, PCM-CMM 2015, 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics and 21st Computer Methods in Mechanics, 2015-09-08/09-11, Gdańsk (PL), pp.147-148, 2015

The paper concerns investigation of polyurethane shape memory polymer (SMP) properties. Shape fixity and shape recovery, important parameters for the SMP applications, were quantitatively estimated in thermomechanical cyclic loading; three subsequent thermomechanical loading cycles were performed. It was observed that the shape fixity is proper and does not depend on the cycle number. The obtained mean values of shape fixity parameters are 97-98 %. Although the shape recovery is poor (=83 %) in the first cycle of the thermomechanical loading, it is excellent in the subsequent cycles (=99-100 %). The evaluated parameters confirm good shape memory properties of the SMP.

Shape memory polyurethane, shape fixity, shape recovery, thermomechanical loading, cyclic loading

Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Cristea M. - Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (RO)
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
34.  Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Gum Metal – unique properties and results of initial investigation of the new titanium alloy, PCM-CMM 2015, 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics and 21st Computer Methods in Mechanics, 2015-09-08/09-11, Gdańsk (PL), pp.145-146, 2015

Initial results of effects of thermomechanical couplings in the β-Ti alloy, Gum Metal, subjected to tension are presented. An MTS testing machine allows obtaining stress-strain curves with high accuracy, while fast and sensitive infrared camera allows estimating temperature changes of the sample during the deformation process. The obtained mechanical characteristics confirm an ultra-low elastic modulus and high strength of the Gum Metal. The infrared measurements enable to indicate average or maximum temperature change accompanying the alloy deformation process, to estimate thermoelastic effect, related to the yield point in solids, whereas the temperature distribution on the sample surface enables to investigate localisation effects, leading to the sample necking and rupture.

Gum Metal, Titanium alloy, Elastic properties, Nonlinear elasticity, thermomechanical couplings, infrared camera

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Furuta T. - Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories (JP)
Kuramoto S. - Ibaraki University Japan (JP)
35.  Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Tobushi H., Właściwości termomechaniczne i zastosowania polimerów z pamięcią kształtu, XI Konferencja Nowe Kierunki Rozwoju Mechaniki, 2015-03-18/03-20, Sarbinowo (PL), pp.75-76, 2015

Polimery z pamięcią kształtu, podobnie jak niektóre stopy metali, wykazują efekt pamięci kształtu. Wykorzystuje się w nich różnicę właściwości termomechanicznych poniżej i powyżej temperatury zeszklenia Tg, w której polimer radykalnie zmienia swe własności, wartość modułu sprężystości. Materiały te posiadają możliwość szybkiej zmiany właściwości fizycznych w zależności od temperatury. Stają się miękkie po podgrzaniu powyżej Tg i pozwalają się łatwo formować, a podczas schłodzenia poniżej tej temperatury odzyskują poprzednią sztywność. Nadal pamiętają swój oryginalny kształt i wracają do niego podczas ponownego podgrzania powyżej Tg. Umożliwia to ich różnorodne praktyczne zastosowania, w przemyśle medycznym i farmaceutycznym, tekstylnym, spożywczym, lotniczym i kosmicznym.

Polimery z pamięcią kształtu, temperatura zeszklenia, wartość modułu sprężystości, kamera termowizyjna

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
36.  Staszczak M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Cristea M., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Estimation of shape fixity and shape recovery – crucial parameters for shape memory polymer applications, SolMech 2014, 39th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2014-09-01/09-05, Zakopane (PL), pp.267-268, 2014

Shape memory polymers (SMP) are new unique and attractive materials which demonstrate shape memory properties. It means that the materials, as a result of an external stimulus such as temperature, can recover their original (permanent) shape from deformed (temporary) shape. The mechanical characteristics of SMP, e.g. the elastic modulus and the yield stress, change significantly below and above their glass transition temperature Tg. It can be explained by differences of molecular motion of the polymer chains below and above Tg [1, 2]. Two phenomena due to this can be observed in the SMP. The first one is a shape fixity which means that it is possible to fix a temporary shape by cooling the deformed SMP below Tg. The second phenomenon, called a shape recovery, denotes the property that the original shape, changed due to deformation, is recovered during subsequent heating above the SMP Tg temperature. Preliminary estimation of these two parameters, crucial to assess SMP potential applications, is the subject of this paper [1].

Shape memory polymers, elastic modulus, yield stress, glass transition temperature, shape fixity, shape recovery

Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Cristea M. - Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (RO)
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
37.  Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Staszczak M., Majewski M., Cristea M., Tobushi H., Two-phase model of shape memory polymers at finite strains: formulation and experimental verification, SolMech 2014, 39th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2014-09-01/09-05, Zakopane (PL), pp.259-260, 2014

A constitutive model of SMP, formulated at large strain format, is developed. SMP is described as a two-phase material composed of a soft rubbery phase and a hard glassy phase. The volume fraction of each phase is postulated as a logistic function of temperature. Identification of model parameters has been performed using the experimental tensile loading-unloading tests with different strain rates conducted at thermal chamber at different temperatures.

shape-memory polymers, two-phase model, large strain framework

Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Majewski M. - IPPT PAN
Cristea M. - Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (RO)
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
38.  Oliferuk W., Maj M., Energy storage rate components, SolMech 2014, 39th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2014-09-01/09-05, Zakopane (PL), pp.137-138, 2014

Decomposition of energy storage rate into terms related to different deformation mechanisms has been presented. The energy storage rate is the ratio of the stored energy increment to the appropriate increment of plastic work. Experimental results show that the energy storage rate is dependent on plastic strain. This dependence is influenced by different microscopic deformation mechanisms. Then, the energy storage rate can be presented as a sum of particular components. Two of them are identified.

Energy storage rate, deformation mechanisms, statistically stored dislocations, geometrically necessary dislocations, long range internal stresses

Oliferuk W. - other affiliation
39.  Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Staszczak M., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Cristea M., Thermomechanical analysis of shape memory polymer under cyclic loading and relaxation conditions, ICEM-16, 16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2014-07-07/07-11, Cambridge (GB), pp.1-2, 2014

Experimental evaluation and modeling of a new polyurethane shape memory polymer (SMP) subjected to cyclic tension and stress-relaxation tests are presented. The influence of effects of thermomechanical couplings on the SMP thermomechanical behaviour for various strain rates was studied, basing on the sample temperature changes measured by a fast and sensitive infrared camera. The constitutive model valid in finite strain regime was developed following [5]. In the proposed approach SMP is described as a two-phase material composed of hyperelastic rubbery phase and elastic-viscoplastic glassy phase while the volume content of phases is specified by the current temperature.

Experimental evaluation, constitutive modeling, polyurethane shape memory polymer, cyclic tension, stress-relaxation tests, effects of thermomechanical couplings, thermomechanical behaviour, various strain rates, temperature changes, sensitive infrared camera, hyperelastic rubbery phase, elastic-viscoplastic glassy phase

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
Cristea M. - Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (RO)
40.  Pieczyska E.A., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Maj M., Staszczak M., Shape memory alloys and polymers studied in tension by advanced infrared technique, DAS 30, 30th Danubia-Adria-Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 2013-09-25/09-28, Primosten (HR), Vol.1, pp.24-25, 2013

In order to contribute to solving the problems of recourses, energy and environment of the earth, the development of multifunctional smart materials is required. In the intelligent materials, investigation of shape memory alloy (SMA) and shape memory polymer (SMP) has attracted high attention due to their functional properties and high potential in practical applications. In SMA, the shape memory property appears based on the martensitic transformation (MT) in which the crystal structure varies depending on the variation in stress or temperature. In SMP, the elastic modulus and the yield stress are high at temperatures below the glass transition temperature Tg and low at temperatures above Tg. The shape memory property appears based on the glass transition in which the characteristics of molecular motion vary depending on the variation in temperature. Among the shape memory polymers, the polyurethane has been most often practically used.
In this paper, investigation of stress-induced martensitic transformation in TiNi SMA and thermomechanical behavior of SMP (Tg = 19 C) in tension at room temperature (22 C) are presented.

shape memory alloy, shape memory polymer, thermomechanical couplings, tensile test, strain localisation

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
41.  Staszczak M., Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Urbański L., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Właściwości mechaniczne oraz zmiany temperatury polimeru z pamięcią kształtu w procesie rozciągania, TTP2013, X Konferencja TERMOGRAFIA I TERMOMETRIA W PODCZERWIENI, 2013-09-24/09-26, Lwów (UA), Vol.1, pp.91-92, 2013

W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań efektów sprzężeń termomechanicznych poliuretanu z pamięcią kształtu podczas rozciągania z różnymi prędkościami. Zależności zmiany temperatury próbek od czasu wyznaczano za pomocą kamery termograficznej. Zaobserwowano dużą wrażliwość charakterystyk mechanicznych i zmian temperatury poliuretanu na prędkość deformacji. Wykorzystując efekt piezokaloryczny wyznaczano granice plastyczności dla różnych prędkości odkształcenia. Pokazano, że metoda bazująca na minimum temperatury próbki jest przydatna do wyznaczania granicy plastyczności materiałów polimerowych wykazujących nieliniową sprężystość.

poliuretan z pamięcią kształtu, efekty sprzężeń termomechanicznych, kamera termograficzna, efekt piezokaloryczny, granica plastyczności

Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Urbański L. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
42.  Pieczyska E.A., Tobushi H., Hayashi S., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Staszczak M., Cristea M., Thermomechanical Analysis of Shape Memory Polyurethane, 4th Integrity, Reliability and Failure of Mechanical Systems, 2013-06-23/06-27, Funchal (PT), pp.1-2, 2013

This paper presents experimental evaluation of a new polyurethane shape memory polymer (PU-SMP) produced by SMP Technologies Inc. It discusses mechanical characteristics and temperature changes of the SMP specimens subjected to tension test performed at room temperature with various strain rates. Basing on the mechanical data and the relevant temperature changes, we have studied the thermomechanical properties of the PU-SMP and influence of the strain rate on the strain localization behavior. Finally, we have identified the material parameters for the one-dimensional rheological model of the SMP.

shape memory polyurethane, tension test, dynamic mechanical analysis, infrared camera, temperature change, thermomechanical properties, rheological model

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Tobushi H. - Aichi Institute of Technology (JP)
Hayashi S. - SMP Technologies Inc. (JP)
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN
Cristea M. - Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (RO)
43.  Pieczyska E.A., Maj M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Staszczak M., Mechanical and Infrared Thermography Analysis of Shape Memory Polyurethane, International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, 2013-05-20/05-24, Praga (CZ), pp.282-283, 2013

Initial experimental evaluation of a new polyurethane shape memory polyner (PU-SMP) subjected to uniaxial tension carrięd out at different stlain rates is presented. The stress and strain data were recorded and temperature changes from the SMP specimen surface was deternrined using fast and sensitive infrared camera. Basing on themechanical characteristics and their relevant temperature changes, the SMP thernromechanical properties have been stLrdied. lnfluence of the strain rate on the SMP temperature, its structure and behaviour are discussed. Identification of the PU-SMP parameters for onc-dimensional rheological model proposed by Tobushi et. ttl. will be performed.

Shape memory polymers, elastic modulus, yield stress, glass transition temperature

Pieczyska E.A. - IPPT PAN
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K. - IPPT PAN
Staszczak M. - IPPT PAN

Category A Plus


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